12 May 2011 at 12:15 am
[The feed comes on with Ashura sitting calmly, mostly his face and shoulders shown and not much else, so it is hard to say where he is, but it is some place quiet.

He pauses for a moment, as if waiting for a crowd to quiet, then begins.]

I realize we have many new members joining us, and some of us have been here for longer than we care to remember. And it has occurred to me that we all know so very little about each other - be it our pasts, our names, or even the worlds we call come from. As a general rule, a people usually share a common past and culture, making a sort of unity between them that sits beneath the usual interplay of individual personalities. And those who follow a different culture are looked upon as oddities, or even with fear.

Being here, in Marina, with so many people from so many different worlds and cultures, I thought perhaps as a whole, as a... people, we might come to understand each other better if we understood each others stories and powers. I would hope that it would provide some unity between us, or at least make it easier for us all to get along with each other and coordinate when times call for it. That being said, I am willing to be the one to compile information anyone is willing to share about their culture, their people from their world. You do not have to speak to me, and this is only mine own idea of what I think might help us all, but I am sure this will work for the better of us all.

And in the spirit of this, I offer up my own story first....

[There is another pause, a breath, and he begins - ]

Ashura's Story )

[He pauses again, taking a deep breath.]

I am available through many means if you wish to tell me your tale, and through my new understanding of technology can hopefully compile them and allow for all to access. I hope this proves to bring us together, or at the least make this place more liveable for us all.

[He stays on the feed silent for a few seconds more, then turns it off.]
25 April 2011 at 07:55 pm
[Beautiful rain. The cold wet has always been so soothing to the pair of them, and they've currently settled themselves in the park to better enjoy it, crouched on the ground like some massive, breathing gargoyle. The only thing that moves is their tongue, and it slithers about almost mindlessly, touching their cheeks and occasionally catching some of the moisture, though they never seem to drink it.]

What a lovely morning... So nice and dark. Why can't it just rain forever, mm? That's what umbrellas are for...

[Murmuring to themselves, each statement occasionally punctured with a deep rasp of a chuckle. If anyone's up at this early hour and brave enough to muck about in the wet, feel free to say hello!]
[Voice | Open] Backdated to just before the rain storm started
23 April 2011 at 02:16 pm
To all you folks making fun with the paint. Dry yourselves off before heading to the bar. I don't need the seats dyed a million shades of color.

[Yeah, someone's not to happy with the mess he's left to clean-up.]

((ooc: Meant to post this Thursday but work killed me. Action available to anyone who just wants to play in the bar too.))
[ voice / EVENT ]
18 April 2011 at 06:05 pm
--I can't believe they're celebrating Holi. [He's kind of thrilled about it, and laughs.]

Holi is a festival of colors. I'm not sure if there's religious significance to it or not, other than that it's for spring, but in India people would throw colorful liquid or powder on passersby. And if you say to them, "Pardon me, but it's Holi," they're supposed to forgive you.

It's a lot of fun, if you can relax enough for it. If not... [sly] maybe you should stay indoors today?

((ooc: Respond to his voice post here! Otherwise this is an EVENT POST. Comment here if you want your character to get powdered, or if you want to lurk and throw brightly-colored water at other people, and other people will respond to your comment to oblige! Calling all pranksters, goofballs, and trolls!))
[Video | Open]
11 April 2011 at 06:24 pm
[Her conversation with Minako the day before taught her something: two worlds can be very, very similar, with only a single difference. That got her thinking about a question she's had for a long time, and only made her more determined to find out the truth. Did anyone else go through what they did? Is there someone else here from a world with the game?]

Um, excuse me... this question might seem weird to people who don't know what I'm talking about, but there is a reason for it.

Does anyone here come from a world with... giant robots?
The 110th Day
11 April 2011 at 05:23 pm
Good morning, inmates. It is the 110th day of the third generation.

Inmates John Egbert and Phoenix Wright, items you requested are available by the entrance to Sector 0.
07 April 2011 at 01:51 pm
[Zinda's sitting at a table in the shelter in uniform, her boots up on the table, looking particularly displeased.]

So, what's the deal with how many kids are here? I don't mind 'em of course, some of them seem pretty dang bright and all, but i can't help but feelin' like it's wrong. Like the robot runnin' this place don't have his head screwed on right.

If he has a head, I mean. Dang technology. [She rolls her eyes, and the feed cuts off. But you can find her there for a good part of the afternoon, doing nothing in particular.]
[video | open]
28 March 2011 at 09:41 pm
[Deep, steadying breath.]

Hello, everyone. My name is Euphemia li Britannia for those of you I haven't met. [It feels like she needs another one of those deep, steadying breaths now, but she charges onward with nothing but sincerity and concern in her voice.]

I wanted to apologize to all of you for the horrible, unspeakable things I've said and done since I returned. I just want you to know I don't wish anyone harm, and I don't think any less of the Japanese. [She pauses here. It's hard to say all this with the way she is still fighting the geass back. Cross' sorcery had lessened the effect, but it hadn't removed it completely. It just made it manageable. Controllable.] I understand that I'll need to show this through my future actions as well as my words. If there is anything I can do to make amends, please don't hesitate to tell me.

I don't want to take up any more of your time. Thank you for listening, and once again. I'm deeply, deeply sorry to everyone and especially to those I threatened individually and Orihime.

[She hesitates a moment as if there is more she wants to say, but finally completes her broadcast with a soft click.]
[fail!filtered video to defense force]
27 March 2011 at 12:45 am
[Wisely has no words for this fuckery.]

[Oh wait, yes he does.]

...I need help. My life is in danger.

[fyi, you have never heard Wisely this serious before. Look at dat face.]
[video/audio] [filtered from Minako]
27 March 2011 at 12:15 am
I've had my curiosity piqued.

Is there a definition of 'persona' that I have not been privy to my entire existence, that somehow pertains to green skies and is a large secret of some form? A large and ill-kept secret, it seems.
17 March 2011 at 11:38 pm
[LOCKED from: Euphemia]

[Because Souji A) is Japanese, B) is friends with numerous other Japanese people, C) is pretty protective of those friends, and D) has no idea what's going on, he's making a concerned and confused post.]

How sturdy is the Defense Force jail?

[LOCKED to: Investigation Team members]

Are you guys alright? Where are you?
[Voice | Action] Open
17 March 2011 at 05:00 pm
[Dean's sitting at a bench and table outside the store in Sector 5 and painstakingly putting together a model car. It's not the '67 Impala he knows and loves so well, but hey, it was better then nothing! Grumbling just a bit, as he finishes gluing the back end of a fender onto the model, Dean flicks on his network device.]


So, I can't be the only one sick and tired of walking everywhere. Haven't you people heard of cars or bikes or something? Hell, I'd build my own car if I had the parts!
[Action | Open]
15 March 2011 at 12:12 am
[It's early, but he's finally free. After an early morning flight to stretch his wings, he considers his options for the day. He flies into the clothing store, and grabs a shirt, some underwear, and a pair of pants. He drags them to a dressing room, and morphs into his human form, dressing quickly.]

[After a little bit of searching he finds a watch set to Marina time and some shoes, and he heads out, picking up his communicator from where he left it.]

[He heads towards sector 1 and the Defense Force headquarters, stumbling a little and blinking furiously, trying to get used to human eyesight and hearing and balance again.]

[Tobias opens the door to the Defense Force headquarters, peering inside a little cautiously.]

[[ooc; Tobias looks like this right now. Feel free to encounter him either in the Defense Force HQ or on the way there! :3]]
28 February 2011 at 08:49 pm
[Roxas spent most of yesterday curled up in a ball and being miserable. He drank only water and probably refused food even after he was feeling better. He did not talk to anyone or even listen to anyone who may have talked to him.

And now he is awake, and running over the fuzzy events of that night. He doesn't like not remembering. So he's nibbling on toast (still not excited about too much food) and drinking water, out on the porch in front of their house, writing in his diary... and thinking.]

((ooc: feel free to pass by if you want))
22 February 2011 at 08:48 pm
[SHE'S FR----E--E-- wrong character.

Zinda's free too though, finally, from that pesky ball and chain and those annoying bots. She might have threatened to shoot a few of them too (if you were in restraints over the last two days, feel free to say you overheard her backsassin' them.) but that hardly matters now, because she's out of there, she's got a new gig, and there is confirmed alcohol i this place. Hell Yes.

But, of course this isn't all about alcohol. Nope. Not at all. So, you can find her trudging around Sectors 3,5, and 6, checking things out. She's not wearing her uniform anymore, but she's still pretty hard to miss. She's also obnoxiously friendly, and if you don't approach her first, she'll probably approach you, regardless of if she knows you or not.

Or- later on, you can find her in the club, partaking in her second favorite activity in the world. Drinking. Watch out on that one too- no one is safe from being called over to sit with her, or being flashed one of her world class smiles.]
[Voice/Action | Open | Backdated to early evening]
20 February 2011 at 11:54 am
[They don't feel good. It's an irritating, churning feeling in their gut, and they're becoming restless and moody because of it. They've holed themselves up in a particularly sturdy tree, seeking the shade and the cold. They'll likely be up their all night, if they have their way.]

[They can't stop thinking about what happened to Orihime--and indirectly, how ready they were to flay the girl that attacked her right to the bone.]

[What's happened to them? Who are they? Man, or monster?]

What sort of critters would you all like to see in a zoo? [quietly, without their usual pep and vigor]Read more... )
19 February 2011 at 05:32 pm
You know-- You know...

I don't really see the big deal about alcohol. It doesn't really -- taste all that great at first. Sort of like... it burns. But it's warm! I like that it feels warm.

[this is a slightly wobbly fifteen-year-old Nobody. he is still in the bar, with Shiki just visible behind him]

But I can handle it. [he is also slightly smug]

((ooc: feel free to address Shiki too))
17 February 2011 at 11:19 pm
Setting Up )

Umm...G-Good afternoon, everyone. [She brushes some hair behind her ear, then her hands disappear, out of sight.] Waking up here, in Marina, ummm...can be a little confusing and possibly scary, b-but it's all right! We were all new here once, so don't feel like y-you're alone. The Welcoming Committee wants you to know we're here for you and we want you to feel comfortable here--e-even if this isn't where you would choose to be. If you found s-something wrong with your welcome basket, please let us know? We could always use suggestions for improving it, o-or more committee members?

[Oh right, the real point of her announcement.]

So umm...there will be a light lunch and treats at the E-Education Center at five o'clock, if you would like to meet some of your fellow residents? Anyone can come, even if you've been here a long time. I--um, We just want you to feel comfortable and maybe make friends. No one has to be alone here.

{OOC: Feel free to volunteer to finish getting the room ready if you want, or just come to enjoy the food. Mingle, mingle! There is a video thread if you only want to speak to Miranda. Also, any Welcoming Committee members who want to say they helped plan/set up the luncheon, go right ahead!}
14 February 2011 at 09:01 pm
[ it's been a very, very long night, but Suzaku is still in the Defense Force Headquarters the next morning. earlier than usual, in fact, since he skipped his morning swim. and breakfast.

he'll be pacing HQ, looking more than a little bit run-down, all morning. ]

((ooc: Joining the DF today? Hoping to start a task force? Just looking to offer condolences because of how sucky yesterday was? :D Suzaku was off the communicators after last night's disaster, but he's here and physically available now~.))
07 February 2011 at 07:59 pm
action/not open to anyone. it's just here. without meaning. )

Now listen up. Zinda here didn't survive the war and all those crazy missions that are too classified for me to blab about just to end up in a prison. I've put my life on the line so e'reybody else could be free and go about their dandy time. And I get stuck in an underwater prison.

If King Shark's around here, tell him I'm gonna bust his front teeth in for messin' with me. This stuff would be right up his little old alley.

First boy to get this thing off my leg gets a kiss! On the cheek- don't get too excited, though we might be able to work somethin' out if you're charming and a good ol' boy.