[Video] [Action for Housemates]
14 March 2012 at 10:21 am
[When the video comes on, there is the image of a kitchen on the screen. It's obvious from the looks of it that the kitchen is neat and orderly--normally. Currently the counters are riddled with boxes and bottles. Spices. Food. Cabinet doors are wide open.

In the midst of all of this chaos is a slightly confused and vaguely irritated Zero. The clanging of pots and pans echoes through the microphone as he squats on the floor searching through one of the lower cabinets. He's obviously having difficulty finding what he's needing.

Finally, he pulls out a flawless stainless steel skillet that looks almost brand new-the reflection of a familiar looking short-haired brunette sticking her tongue out at everyone for a moment before Zero tilts the pan and makes her disappear. You all saw nothing, right?

With a sigh, Zero gets up on his feet before addressing the entire dome. He's too confused and lazy to filter to his housemates so he doesn't really care who hears it. He originally thought it was Yuuri, but little things he's noticed in the last few days of living here are leading him in a different direction. Which is confusing the hell out of him because who picks up so many weird personality quirks in such a short time? He'd lived with her for four years and some of her behavior wasn't what he would consider 'normal' for her.]

Just so you know, it takes a lot longer to get a meal on the table when you don't know where anything is. If you want to rearrange all the cabinets, at least come retrieve things for me so I don't have to spend five minutes searching for the flour.
29 February 2012 at 10:10 pm
I was wondering if -- Is there a high school around here? I'm a senior, so I don't have much longer to go, but... I miss having something to do, and if I can enroll... I might as well finish it out here, right?

filtered to damon salvaore.

I think Katherine's gone. When I first got here, people kept -- asking me if they already knew me, and it was pretty easy to figure out that she was why... But I haven't seen her around, and I know she would've made some grand appearance at this point, especially since... You're here. Keep an eye out, okay?

end filter.
[ Event Mingle: ROUND ONE ]
29 February 2012 at 05:52 pm
[Late afternoon in Sector 3, a slightly-built robot, different from the many that wander the facility, has gathered with a few of the inmates in front of the movie theater.]

[They're planning a party, or so they say.]

[...Within an hour they break away and head to an unremarkable, sealed building towards the dome wall of Sector 3. And then Sentience's party disappears inside it and they are not seen or heard from again for the rest of the day.]

((OOC: The first event mingle. Do not respond to the post itself! Sentience will make several comments over the next few hours. Each comment is a separate prompt, describing the action that's just happened and which is happening. Comment to a "prompt" comment to set your character in the mingle, so that other characters can tag you there! If you want to tag Sentience, Sentience will be making comments just like every other character so that you can interact with it directly.))
29 February 2012 at 10:04 am
[ she's getting the hang of this communicator thing. she's also traded her armor for a white, button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and grey slacks. she's at a table in her apartment, shuffling something. ]

Since I'm sure there's no shortage of people trying to re-create traditions from home, I thought I'd add one more to the list. Anyone up for a card game sometime? Preferably one with plenty of drinks. [ she smiles sunnily and holds up her deck for Wicked Grace ]

I promise, I don't cheat. Much.
25 February 2012 at 11:11 pm
So everyone's in agreement that the kisses that happened yesterday don't count, right...?

[Searching for confirmation here, because she definitely kissed more than she intended! One was already one too many. Even a day later she still looks red, and slightly embarrassed over it all. She thought going to bed after would help her forget it all, but instead she can't stop thinking about one in particular. The memory of Zero's lips cause her eyes to dance away from the screen. With a small cough she clears her throat.]

Is that normal for St. Xocolatl's Day?

[With idle hands, she fidgets a moment, before deciding to work on braiding her hair.]

I heard something about a holiday called White Day that's supposed to serve as follow up. Because there was an idea that after the last Holiday this was around the time of St. Xocolatl's Day. Or...however you measure time and holidays here. Please tell me it's not something equally as weird.

(OOC: Still finishing up kissing threads. If I missed one that someone wanted me to tag to poke me about it!)
video }{
24 February 2012 at 09:31 pm
If this is what it means to be imprisoned for criminal activities, aren't we a lucky bunch? Granted, the last two days was a bit of a buzzkill, but now that I'm one iron ball chain lighter... Seriously? Comfy rooms, endless entertainment, free food and drinks?

Not exactly anything to complain about. [ The lack of a familiar face around here though kind of really sucks. Damon's also worried about Elena back home (and he has no idea what to think about that whole 'he's been replaced by another version of himself' nonsense), but since there's no getting out of the facility anytime soon, he might as well get to know his fellow inmates -- see if anyone strikes him as interesting or worthwhile enough to get to know. ]

Or am I missing something? What's the catch?
☠ video
22 February 2012 at 11:29 am
[Sougo is sitting lazily in his room, poking at a ... voodoo doll? Yes. Perhaps you can see how it miiiight look like Michael, and if not, he's going to mention it anyway.]

Asshole, tell me if you feel something.

[Behind him are some photos that have been taped to his wall. Where did he get them from? He'll never tell. But they sure made for a fun darts session. Unsurprisingly, one is of Michael. Another? Maybe of Suzaku, and another of Helix. They're all of guys he's met here. None of the ladies or kids, oh no — he likes the ladies and kids he's met here. He focuses on those photos again, throwing a dart at each one.]

Eat shit and die. Eat shit and die. Burn to a crisp and die. Eat dicks and die.

((ooc: if you want to assume your character has a photo up there, because they're one of the dudes he's met, go right on ahead. >:3))
13 February 2012 at 04:30 pm
[It's Defense Force patrolling day! And Yuuri is out and about complete with his demon sword. He's going to keep things nice and orderly and once he realizes the bots are out he will probably totally not be jumping into nearby bushes when he sees you coming. He'd go inside, but it's patrolling day, so he's supposed to be everywhere. /wibble.]

(OOC: Morgif, the demon sword, is probably going to want kisses from the ladies too. Yes, this is a thing. He does NOT need to get them, but he may pucker and moan in their direction. For this...I am truly sorry.)
[mingle] Mistletoe Bots
13 February 2012 at 04:14 pm
[Lovely day for being in any open, common area of the dome, isn't it? Of course there is a chance of kissing bot, but it's always something in the underwater prison.]

(OOC: Check out the OOC post for details. Pucker up! Edit: Links for those with loading problems!)
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Action | Closed
08 February 2012 at 10:33 am
[It's peaceful in the Butterfly Pavilion. The air is warm compared to the still slightly chilly atmosphere within the rest of the dome. The beautiful colors and ever so soft fluttering of wings a lulling melody that Yuuki often finds herself drawn to. In here it's like a different world, separate from the rest of the prison.

During the day, Yuuki's tried her best to switch her hours. Although there are the occasional night owls (even children, she remembers), most people prefer to interact during day light. And why not, when that is the only time people - humans, at least - are able to see. For Yuuki, though, she's naturally nocturnal and the change isn't easy. She's had a year to adjust to living and interacting within the middle of the night. Come mid-morning, well - she feels fairly tired.

Particularly on days like this, when the new inmates flood in.

Seeking sanctuary within the pavilion, she leans again some of the sturdier foliage, thankful for the small retreat. Of late, she's been something of a vagrant. Oh she has the manor, and she has stayed there a few times. As well as a place within the shelter, too. Coming in during a time when they were shifted in and out due to cleaning, well she never really settled down.

Sometimes she's just as content to sleep here. It doesn't take long for the warmth to tickle her, lashes fluttering shut as her lids grow heavy and close. Chest rising up and down, she's dreaming peacefully before she knows it.]
[video; open]
07 February 2012 at 06:36 pm
[Someone is not a happy Yomi! Her crimes are bewildering and hurtful and false, she's stuck with a cold, lumbering weight tied to her ankle - and her cell phone is missing. Her gaze darts every which way, back taut with apprehension and every muscle coiled for a blow... not that one lands. Not unless you count the robots bustling around her, trying to ferry her to chores.

It's an illusion. A Category A, or an echoer, or-- or something. She's not going to let it affect her, cutting through the fallacies and the impossibilities, keeping her voice and her head cool.

She only fumbles briefly with the communicator before tapping it on, transmitting.

Director? Noriyuki? ... It's Yomi. Something's happened, I think I'm caught in some sort of illusion or web. Kagura's gone and so is my weapon.

[When there's no answer, she fidgets with it a little.]

... Director? Takahata? [Yomi's voice takes on a sharp note, cracking like a whip.] SDCD, come in!

((OOC: Preemptive warnings of slowness, am overseas and partly computerless at the moment.))
[ video + action ]
06 February 2012 at 10:48 pm
[ Panic has long passed into curiosity for Kaylee and her new predicament. Sure she's been kidnapped, but: ]

This Acumen feller said something about a beach. With-- real sand and all? Don't think my heart could take it, bein' kidnapped and then lied to about a beach.

[ And curiouser... ]

Hope it's all right I don't have a swimming outfit...
[ voice ]
06 February 2012 at 08:33 pm

How are any of thethe thingth even conthidered criminal? Are we going to get thome shitty neophyte down here tho we can thtart the traditional and thuperfithial trial? Or can we fucking thkip that and go thraight for the goddamned noothe becauthe I REFUTHE TO BELIEVE THAT I AM THTUCK HERE FOR THE RETHT OF MY FEW REMAINING THWEEPS LEFT! NOT WITH THITH PIETHE OF SHIT THRAPPED ONTO MY HEAD! THOMEONE BETTER GET THITH FUCKING THING OFF OF MY ANKLE TOO!

[ welp. that would be the sound of said ball and chain rattling uselessly. he can't do a thing about it and after a few moments? the sound dies down to groaning and heavy breathing. mood. plummeting. ]


Fuck, I gueth that thith really had been thort of inevitable, with thome bulgethucker like me. Way to fucking go, Captor.
02 February 2012 at 11:34 pm
[If you've entered the new stables today, you've likely run into this guy. He's the random person sleeping in one of the stalls, particularly the one holding the white mare. He's also been spending time with the other nine horses in the stables. He got there early, having been waiting for this day since he was given approval for the request ten days ago.

He hasn't left the stables at all since getting there. Even with the emotional day he's had, it's still the most calming place for him to be.

There's a strong chance he won't be leaving the building until he absolutely has to--probably to take a shower or patrol. The thing is, he'll most likely be returning the moment he's finished with either of these tasks.

To be honest, he hadn't slept this well since Ichiru left the facility months ago.

One might eventually believe he's moved into the stables and abandoned his room. It isn't like he has many personal belongings in his room anyway to determine one way or the other.

Currently, he's awake though and spending time with a dapple gray horse that is enjoying her grooming. Walking past, one might notice there is now a name on the outside of the stall. Stormy Skies.

In fact, all ten horses have a sign on their door with their new name on them. Courtesy of Zero.]

[OOC about horses )]
[Accidental Video? | Action]
01 February 2012 at 04:34 pm
[Leaning forward, hands on hips, Yuuki's eyes narrow as she stares, unimpressed, at one of the horses within the new stables. It's a tall, beautiful, sleek white mare. Thus far it's been the star of the day. It's beautiful, there isn't any denying that. And even if she doesn't know much beyond the basics when it comes to horses, it's clear this one is fit and in perfect shape.

Even still, she appears doubtful as she stares long and hard at the creature.]

You're not fooling anyone, you know.

[Which isn't fair. Not entirely. Even she's aware of that somewhere inside her. She speaks, as though it's perfectly normal and has a shared past with the creature before her.]

You can pretend to be innocent all you like, but I know what you innocent, pretty white horses are really like.

[ The only one she's truly familiar with is the most temperamental, bad-natured, insufferable horse imaginable. She won't forget the day it wounded her pride, and then kicked her.

... Right in the bottom. >///< ]

I'll take my chances on that black stallion across from you any day.
31 January 2012 at 06:04 pm
[ Today might seems like any other day in good ol' Marina but no today is rather different, at least for Wolfram, for Acumen has made a great announcement: Ponies!

After taking a break from his patrolling shift the blond prince instantly heads towards Sector 6 to check out the new stable. Soon, he finds himself walking among the stalls, curiously looking the fine breeds Acumen has brought here. He is brought to a halt, however, as his attention diverts and fixes onto one peculiar equine.

Bringing a hand up and with a faint smile decorating his template, the look on his face is unusually kind as he approaches the horse and gently pets it's muzzle. The reason this particular horse caught his attention is simple: This horse is a white horse... just like the one he used to ride back home. ]
☆ video
27 January 2012 at 04:30 pm
[Hikaru is missing Kaoru like crazy. That's not unusual since his brother is his entire life, and it feels like he hasn't seen him in a very long time. Not having him here always felt terrible, despite making friends and always meeting new people.

Look at how hard he's concentrating.]

Will you help me with a personal survey? It's just some things I've been thinking about.

Some of you may remember Kaoru, my brother, when he was here for some time. We're used to people assuming they know what being twins is like, but most of the time, they're wrong. So here's where the survey part comes in:

What do you think twins are? More specifically, identical twins.
What kinds of things do you think when you see twins?
Do you ever assume they are the same, just because they have the same face? Be honest.

I want to know what you think. People really can't be as clueless and as dumb as they have been in my life. I hope you prove me wrong.
[video | open!]
23 January 2012 at 05:54 pm

[See GIR waving very happily at the screen! He's in the park right now this early in the morning, circling around trees and trying to figure out which ones are his breakfast trees from before!

And he may or may not be watering the grass with orange juice. You know, just in case the grass will grow into breakfast grass.]

Does anybody know how to cheer up Acumen~? He's bein' a little silly poopy pants all by his-self!

What he needs is a friend~~
Action | Open
15 January 2012 at 10:09 pm
[Cloaked within the dark night of the dome, the movements of a young girl goes near unseen as she moves through the park, regardless of the hour. She's not attempting to hide, no, though company isn't particularly wanted at the moment. The color in her normally deep, brown gaze is tinted a reddish hue that bleeds into the usual soft color. Her chest rises and falls, too quick to be normal as she swallows the air as though it may cure her current plague.]

Hah -

[Her feet halt upon the frozen path, and her hand reaches out to rest upon a tree beside her. A sudden pang causes her to winch, and she kneels down, a hand clenching her chest, while the other wraps tight within her hair. Snowball fights, hot chocolate and visiting with new friends is fun and good but the activities have taken a toll. Much earlier than expected she was forced to retire as scent upon scent combined to remind her of the very thing she hasn't had in several days.

It's why she's broken free of the shelter to walk and hopefully clear her head. Perhaps she ought to move back to the manor she previously possessed before her disappearance. At least, separate from a place where so many humans are jam-packed, she won't be subjected to the constant and continual temptation that the scent of their blood brings. She has to remind herself that if the tablets are cleared, this won't be as painful, even if they are terribly ineffective at curing her thirst.

Throat dry and feeling parched, she swallows several times, but feels worse for the effort. At the back of her mind, she has to ignore the nagging voice of the beast within that becomes much louder in moments like these.]
03 January 2012 at 11:16 pm
[The transmission starts, light dim and musty like the books lining the walls behind the young man that appears on the screen. He seems confused, nervous even, eyes darting from one end of the room to the other and tongue flicking out every so often to lick at his lips. A nervous tic, perhaps, just like his voice grows more rapid with every sentence, pronunciation remaining surprisingly clear despite his fervor.

The situation is familiar. He's trained for this. He's been here before and although he doesn't know who he's talking to, he's talking to someone. Keeping an open feed gives him a greater chance of someone hearing him than not talking at all, and so he talks. Someone will hear him.]

Acumen. First used in the 1530's, the word stems from the latin acuere, to sharpen, hence giving it the meaning of sharpness and in extent shrewdness, keen insight. Another synonym is "the ability to judge well" which alludes that the person using this word as their moniker believes themselves to be the ultimate judge. This in turn points to some sort of God complex with the creator of this AI, although not your typical narcissistic personality disorder - by using the construct as his or her spokesperson the individual behind it can remain hidden much like the Wizard behind the curtain.

And just like in that story the suspect may be feeling inadequate and insecure about him or herself, thus hiding behind a construct in order to keep their appearance flawless - it's the only way they can act as an absolute judge without being hindered by their humanity. A similar logic lies behind the hoods of executioners in the past - by making them virtually faceless the guilt of taking another persons life or in this case their freedom can be absolved into a disembodied concept of justice…

[Pause. Brows furrowed in thought he worries at his bottom lip. This isn't helping. He's not even sure who he's talking to, to be perfectly honest, but that has never stopped him before and if anything doing the math may help clear his head.]

One point six zero nine kilometers under the surface… that translates to roughly a mile. Pressure equals depth times fifteen divided by thirty-three… so at 5280 feet that would result in a pressure of 2400 psi which in turn equates to over a ton per square inch. Right now the limits for commercial diving is roughly at 500 feet, one tenth of the assumed depth we're at now…

[This would be a good time for someone to interrupt. He'll go on forever if you don't.]

[OOC He's restrained and as such bots will take him away to the salt mines work before long! I'd also really appreciate if those interested could fill in this PERMISSIONS POST so we can get some profiling done here.]