[ Event Mingle: ROUND TWO ]
03 March 2012 at 01:47 pm
[[Open to participants at the end of Round One!]]

[You wake up suddenly, and you're not where you were. But looking around, you find you're in... your own room. Your own bed. It's dark and quiet, late at night, and any friends and roommates you might have are there with you, still sleeping, or just waking up.]

[But something is wrong.]

((OOC: This mingle will function the same as the last mingle. Sentience will make a "prompt" comment for each new development, and then you respond to them and thread amongst each other. In this mingle you start out separated, so you are also welcome to use your communicators to video or voice chat with each other in response to each prompt comment. But you are only capable of speaking to other people who are in this mingle; you cannot hear, speak to, or communicate with anyone who isn't taking part in the event. So don't tag any other action or network posts on the community if you're in the event!))
[ Event Mingle: ROUND ONE ]
29 February 2012 at 05:52 pm
[Late afternoon in Sector 3, a slightly-built robot, different from the many that wander the facility, has gathered with a few of the inmates in front of the movie theater.]

[They're planning a party, or so they say.]

[...Within an hour they break away and head to an unremarkable, sealed building towards the dome wall of Sector 3. And then Sentience's party disappears inside it and they are not seen or heard from again for the rest of the day.]

((OOC: The first event mingle. Do not respond to the post itself! Sentience will make several comments over the next few hours. Each comment is a separate prompt, describing the action that's just happened and which is happening. Comment to a "prompt" comment to set your character in the mingle, so that other characters can tag you there! If you want to tag Sentience, Sentience will be making comments just like every other character so that you can interact with it directly.))
[Action - Open for anything!]
16 February 2012 at 06:02 pm
[Today, Billy is in the park, having sequestered himself away from the more populated areas to practice his powers. He doesn't really mind if anyone sees him since he doesn't think it's that big of a deal here but it's easier to concentrate with less people around.

Billy is sitting on the ground, eyes closed with a simple vase in front of him.]


[He says this over and over again, his distinct blue light of magic glowing around his hands. The blue light goes over the vase, changing it into an simple black umbrella. Billy opens his eyes and keeps on chanting a little bit longer before he stops, the blue light vanishing.

The umbrella immediately turns back to the vase. Billy scowls in frustration, looking like he's just about ready to chuck the vase as hard as he can.]

This place sucks.
[action] [double the makeout power]
13 February 2012 at 08:43 pm
[Allen and Link (the person) are, of course, incapable of sequestering themselves in their apartment for the day just because of some obnoxious robots. They have Link (the dog) to walk, Timcanpy (the golem) to keep from flirting with pretty girls, and lots and lots of food to eat.]

[Find them in the place of your choosing! And then kiss them.]

((You will be threading with both of them, but indicate if you want to kiss Allen, Link, or both in your subject line! ...Boths will be one after the other, not simultaneous.))
13 February 2012 at 04:30 pm
[It's Defense Force patrolling day! And Yuuri is out and about complete with his demon sword. He's going to keep things nice and orderly and once he realizes the bots are out he will probably totally not be jumping into nearby bushes when he sees you coming. He'd go inside, but it's patrolling day, so he's supposed to be everywhere. /wibble.]

(OOC: Morgif, the demon sword, is probably going to want kisses from the ladies too. Yes, this is a thing. He does NOT need to get them, but he may pucker and moan in their direction. For this...I am truly sorry.)
video + action;
07 February 2012 at 05:09 pm
[ His own hand reaches up, fingers lightly stroking the cloth patch that had affixed itself where his right eye should be. A momentary look of irritation and a furrow to his brow appears but he soon dismisses it, lowering his hand as he does. With a single breath, he considers every bit of information rather abruptly force fed to him before he finally glances at the device he has.

So it's come to this. While he had been careful in covering his tracks, only leaving clues obvious to his beloved, it seemed the law came for everyone. No matter how twisted its sense of justice was. However, it doesn't surprise him. It would have taken an extraordinarily sophisticated system to have captured him. So much more to have been able to tend to his burns (minor stings now, not so much that it bothered him) and seal him off.

But there was still a trickle of power remaining.
One tiny string he could pull that seemed so familiar. Connected to a certain... doll.

Wonderful. A small message drifts through the ether in hopes to hit a particular blond shinigami. Just two words. Simple and in a familiar voice to Hisoka's mind: Hello, boy.

But there would be time for a proper hello. For know, the matter at hand. ]

Incarceration. Quite the interesting situation I seem to have landed myself in.

[ A pause as he considers what else to say. But the thoughtfulness is replaced by a rather small smile. ]

I suppose it would be only proper to introduce myself to my fellow inmates. I am Kazutaka Muraki, a doctor by profession from where I was taken from specializing in cardiology and pediatrics.

Perhaps Acumen has a twisted sense of justice to bring a man such as myself to prison.
06 February 2012 at 09:56 pm
[Okay, so he’s breaking out the Spidey-voice.] A welcome basket… it’s so… welcomey, thanks.

… Okay, so. I guess this where I’m supposed to cut to the chase and throw out the big names, and hope someone I know’s here. But the crowd I tend to tangle with happens to consist entirely of super villains and general baddies. I guess that says a lot about my social life. And I know I should hope that they’re here, being prison and all, but… This place is way too nice. I don’t want to imagine Kraven kicking back at the beach. I prefer thinking of him in his gulag. Safe and sound, and away from everyone else.


… Ugh, how did this happen. I bet the X-Men don’t get thrown in jail.
[Action | Video]
06 February 2012 at 09:18 pm
[Oh hey, there's an unfamiliar face on video. He's just finish viewing his welcome message and now the boy seems a bit...disorient.

Gareki is wandering around in Sector 2, and he seems to have taken a particular interest in the bots roaming around. Well, actually, he doesn't bother to hide his fascination with them. Every time one passes, that's where his attention is turning towards.]

So when I was told I was going to be sent to prison... I was expecting something different. I expected a dirty, gloomier looking place....

[There's not much else he can think of saying right now. So drop him a greeting and make him feel at ease with his new...er... "home"?

And if anybody happens to be in Sector 2, you can find him bot stalking. Because Gareki has nothing better to do than follow them around.]
[video + action]
06 February 2012 at 09:19 pm
[The video begins with a view of-- feet. Chained, bare feet with strange white lines marring the darkness of the skin. Until the camera tips back, shifts, to show a lithe man, hunched and long-eared and positively scowling at his surrounding and muttering angrily to himself.]

I will personally dissect the blighted mage responsible for this. I was unaware even the strongest of magisters could conjure such elaborate illusions, but I do not underestimate their ability to trick and deceive. But for what purpose.

[He does not kick over the welcome basket, tempted as he is, but neither does he pay it or the helpful brochure any attention. He simply glares at it then the communicator, which he found when he woke but couldn't really make sense of the script. A magical item, no doubt, and he will have nothing to do with it.]

Slavers. They become craftier the more I slay them.

[He's grumbling, completely unaware of what a recording device even is, much less that other people can see him despite being alone for now. He tries to phase through the chain, voice lowering and just barely desperate.]

Danarius is dead. He is dead. He cannot--

[ooc | If you decide to go with action, Fenris will try and attempt to phase his fist through your chest!!!]
[ voice ]
06 February 2012 at 08:33 pm

How are any of thethe thingth even conthidered criminal? Are we going to get thome shitty neophyte down here tho we can thtart the traditional and thuperfithial trial? Or can we fucking thkip that and go thraight for the goddamned noothe becauthe I REFUTHE TO BELIEVE THAT I AM THTUCK HERE FOR THE RETHT OF MY FEW REMAINING THWEEPS LEFT! NOT WITH THITH PIETHE OF SHIT THRAPPED ONTO MY HEAD! THOMEONE BETTER GET THITH FUCKING THING OFF OF MY ANKLE TOO!

[ welp. that would be the sound of said ball and chain rattling uselessly. he can't do a thing about it and after a few moments? the sound dies down to groaning and heavy breathing. mood. plummeting. ]


Fuck, I gueth that thith really had been thort of inevitable, with thome bulgethucker like me. Way to fucking go, Captor.
[Accidental Video? | Action]
01 February 2012 at 04:34 pm
[Leaning forward, hands on hips, Yuuki's eyes narrow as she stares, unimpressed, at one of the horses within the new stables. It's a tall, beautiful, sleek white mare. Thus far it's been the star of the day. It's beautiful, there isn't any denying that. And even if she doesn't know much beyond the basics when it comes to horses, it's clear this one is fit and in perfect shape.

Even still, she appears doubtful as she stares long and hard at the creature.]

You're not fooling anyone, you know.

[Which isn't fair. Not entirely. Even she's aware of that somewhere inside her. She speaks, as though it's perfectly normal and has a shared past with the creature before her.]

You can pretend to be innocent all you like, but I know what you innocent, pretty white horses are really like.

[ The only one she's truly familiar with is the most temperamental, bad-natured, insufferable horse imaginable. She won't forget the day it wounded her pride, and then kicked her.

... Right in the bottom. >///< ]

I'll take my chances on that black stallion across from you any day.
[Voice & Action]
31 January 2012 at 09:46 am
The worst of mornings... )


For those who care about it, and are from his world...it seems Allelujah has gone home. [Tired sounding. Lind's run himself ragged trying to find Alle for Akito]

Akito's at the beach. He could use his friends.


[The light sits on the sand and stares at the water without seeing it. He doesn't even seem to realise that tears are rolling down his face. He almost seems to be in shock now that the initial breakdown has passed, even ignoring his other half sitting next to him]

Everyone leaves me eventually... [The words are quiet, hollow. Why does everyone leave? Why does Acumen have to be so goddamn useless at keeping the important people here? Everyone leaves eventually...Kaito, Jennifer, Allelujah. Who was next? Yuuri, or Conrad? Tsuna, again? Why...why was he always left alone? It hurt...

For once, after a very long time of wanting otherwise, Akito wishes he could go home]

((OOC: As usual, feel free to reply to one, the other or both! Just let me know which it is, Voice or Action))
[video / action for housemates if desired]
26 January 2012 at 03:33 pm
[the communicator turns on with a clatter as it tumbles across the floor of Orihime's house and comes to a stop, facing her. Orihime is sprawled on the floor, having tripped over apparently nothing at all. she's still in her pajamas even though it's afternoon; she's felt sick and strange and dizzy all day, and so she stayed in bed. but now that she's finally gotten up...]


[Orihime clutches at her face as she starts to straighten. anyone who knows her may recognize that her hair is much longer, and thicker, and wavy. she is, in fact -- two years older than she was before]

[she just holds her head for a beat longer before reaching for the communicator again. when she notices it's on, she smiles sheepishly, picking it up]

Um -- good afternoon, everyone... Can I ask someone to get me something from the clothing store?

[her hair isn't all that's grown! CANON UPDATE'D]
26 January 2012 at 06:52 pm
[Making a public phone call, what is this nonsense. It seemed like the better option though, as opposed to filtering. Here we go.]

Hi. [Good start.]

I'm Dr Spencer Reid and I'm looking for either Suzaku or Lacus with the Defense Force.
I'm interested in joining. Well, re-joining, I suppose.

((ooc ETA: a quick reminder that there's a PERMISSIONS POST up on his journal! Please fill it out at your leisure!))
03 January 2012 at 05:47 am
[Billy drags a hand over his face and takes in a deep breath before muttering to himself for a moment.] My mom is going to kill me. No, she's going to ground me for all eternity and then let me die of boredom because she'll take away anything and everything fun. Goodbye, comic books. Goodbye, video games. Goodbye, TV. Goodbye, life. How I ended up in prison again... [He trails off, then speaks up in a normal tone.]

Well, I guess this good be worse, right? It can't be that bad of a prison if they let you use all sorts of things and don't confine you to a tiny cell... right? [He asks a little nervously.]

This is probably a real long shot but, uh, are there any Avengers here...? Or X-Men, maybe...? Or anyone who knows any of them really well? I have a... problem. Yeah. A problem. I mean, besides that I'm stuck in a jail I'm not entirely sure how I got to.
02 January 2012 at 11:34 pm
[the video flicks on to a shot of Luna staring at something off-screen. It must be very interesting, because she is totally not looking at the camera.]

I don't think it's very fair for us to be here. [she starts off, no doubt these words are ones that everyone has heard!] We are underneath the ocean after all. The mermen and the other creatures that live in these waters must be terribly inconvenienced. I wouldn't particularly enjoy having a giant dome built across my home. I'd have to swim around or over it to get to the garden, and that would take more effort and time than it would have just swimming straight across.

[she pauses and for a moment it seems like she won't continue.] Has anyone asked them what they think?

[anyone who comes across sector three will see Luna walking slowly in a...spiral. Yes, that's right. If she sees you, she will probably approach first!]
[ Gamewide Mingle ]
28 December 2011 at 10:42 pm
[Today is quieter around the shelter -- and there's less food. It's getting kind of cramped in here, isn't it? And boring. There are plenty of games and entertainments left over from the party, but everyone is gathered together and... finding things to do.]

[So what are you doing?]
23 December 2011 at 04:01 pm
All right! Marinians, I have an urgent request!

[Popping on screen, Yuuki's long hair is down, hands rising to sit comfortably on her hips as she clears her throat in order to speak into the screen.]

I need to know if there are any intelligent scientist-y individuals here within the dome that might have known me, or about me, upon my previous stay. It's really important! And, er... probably best if you know how to deal with chemical substances and things.

[Brows knitting as she reviews her words, searching for anything else she might need to say or have forgotten.]

Oh! [At once she raises a hand into the air.]

I promise to compensate you for your time. So step right up and help a cute girl today!

[Might as well add - ]

Real criminals with bad intentions need not apply. Believe me, I'll know. Thank you!

[And after a beat]

Shibuya-kun! I need you as well.
[action | open]
09 December 2011 at 10:19 pm
[Sesshoumaru is heading away from the spaces where the heaviest concentrations of people are gathering as Acumen's workers carry out their cleaning duties, but he isn't alone. A white dog trots at his side. Anyone who saw Sesshoumaru at the Pet Cafe the other day will recognize her as the dog who wouldn't leave him alone. He did indeed go to the trouble of adopting her. If asked why, he will claim that at least now she won't bark and whine every time he goes past the cafe, as she has no reason to raise a fuss if she's constantly at his side. In truth, he finds her company ... acceptable. She reminds him of the dogs of better breeding back home, and contrary to his public excuse for taking her in, is actually rather quiet, content simply to have someone to follow.]
[ Voice/Video | Open ]
06 December 2011 at 03:42 pm
[Upon waking, Tsuna has the brief wondering of where he is, and then has the feeling that something is... different. He doesn't feel different, so it takes him a few sleepy moments to will himself to sit up and try to figure it out. He looks at his hands, at the rest of his body, touches his face. Nope, everything is the same (thank goodness). So what..? Turning, his eyes roam to the rest of the room and what's there makes him pause.

Or, to be more specific, what isn't there makes him pause. His room is bare except for the normal furniture and such that was in all of the rooms of the shelters. It's like back when he'd first arrived; everything feels... empty, almost unlived in with no personal belongings in it. Tsuna walks around inspecting, noticing that his gloves are there, his pill box, and his ring is securely on a chain around his neck as usual, but that's it as for more personal objects. Where did all of his stuff disappear to? Like the things he'd gotten here and not initially brought with him?

He fumbles with the communicator, switching it onto video. A rather ruffled looking Tsuna gazes into the recorder with wide brown eyes, an innocently confused expression on his face]

Hey, everyone? Can someone explain to me why... well, this might sound weird but... None of my stuff is here anymore. D-Did... Acumen take them or something? I-I didn't do anything wrong did I..?