14 August 2010 at 06:28 pm
[It's been a long day. Long enough that Jun's wandered into one of the parks after the funeral...and just flopped down on the grass.

The stars here are false, and he knows that. The sky here won't turn that painful red. But...For all his power, he'd been so concerned about Bel that he hadn't even known about Itachi's sickness and death. He might not have been able to cure it--but shouldn't he have been there to try?

Jun sighs, rolling over on the grass. He doesn't want to think about it.]
[Action | Audio | Open]
07 August 2010 at 07:20 pm
[It seems the raptors aren't the only monsters out tonight.]

[Rose has come across an Agoraphobia, but she doesn't seem too concerned. Casually, she pulls out her knitting needles and yarn, winding the yarn around the needles.]

[The monster leaps at her, and she jumps, landing on its back-analogue. It tries to smack her, but she winds the yarn around the arm lightning-fast. The monster roars, and she sticks her knitting needles into its eyes, making it scream and flail around. ... Into a wall. She winces and tries to regain her footing, but it bucks her off.]

[... And it still has her knitting needles, which are her only weapons. She backs up and turns, running, turning on the audio.]

There's a large monster in sector three. I would appreciate some assist -

[And she trips over some rubble and goes sprawling.]

Oh fuck -

[There's the sound of her scrambling to her feet - and then getting tripped again by the monster.]

02 August 2010 at 08:22 pm
He's positive this was not how it's supposed to go )

Ummm…..I’m not sure whose game this is, and I’m sure it’s a lot of fun, but I need to get back. Need to build up my friend’s hive and, uh, get my hive moved before the meteor lands on it. It’s pretty important. [He looks down again at the ball and chain attached to his ankle.]….that’s just excessive.
[Action | Open]
27 July 2010 at 01:06 pm
[Rei is as close as she's ever come to being cranky, really. First she got no sleep after her talk with Neil, and then she woke up to - well, chaos is the only way to put it. It's still dark out when she goes for her LCL treatment, still dark when she has breakfast with Tsukasa, and it's still dark a couple of hours later when she goes to stock up on some groceries.

And that brings us to this exact moment, when she enters the convenience store and finds that anything of any use to her has been removed, apparently replaced with the worst trash anyone could imagine. She edges closer to the hot dog cart and eyeballs a weiner cautiously - does that even count as meat? It smells horrible. And what on earth is 'Poop' cola?

She's scowling darkly, hands on her hips, when she glances outside and sees that it's begun to rain. Exactly what she needed.

Anyone want to meet a rare bitchy!Rei?]
[video/action] [forward dated to late night]
23 July 2010 at 06:43 pm
[Because I wish to be close to him. The Fourteenth.]

...Earl, you still...]

[Where am I?]

...Wisely? Where - Wisely! This isn't funny!

[The video flicks to a very familiar plushie. Road pushes the screen with one of her cotton paws.]<>

If you've gone and lost me again then Cyril will yell at you.

[And the doll puts her hands on her embroidered hips and huffs]

[CANON UPDATE to chapter 196. Here's a very confused doll!Road for you, Marina.]
[ voice ]
22 July 2010 at 09:58 pm
Hi everybody... not to put a damper on anyone's afternoon but... I just had a question.

[ Pause. Deep breath. ]

Um... where's the blood gone?

((ooc: I'll be going to bed soon, but threadjacking is a-ok with me.))
06 July 2010 at 05:35 am
[A young girl, with a very bored expression, stares into the communicator screen.]

I'll try not to ask too many questions, as many of them were answered in this pamphlet. I'm certain that the questions of 'how' and 'why' have been asked far too often by the confused and sheep-like. It doesn't really matter 'why', because it's already happened.

Neither will I demand to see this Acumen, because I doubt he - or she - will be likely to accept an appeal, though a sensible justice system should have one.

No, what I'll ask of you is simply this: where can I find a pair of knitting needles?