12 January 2012 at 09:33 pm
Good afternoon, Marina! It's been a few days since I've spoken to you all like this, hasn't it? I think the last time was on Halloween when the candy turned me into a diamond! [Which he still kind of thinks was a tiny bit awesome.]

It seems that Haruhi and Ranka both went home already. It's very lucky that they got to go home together so that they don't have to be alone. I'm sure that they're a lot happier being at home than they would have been here so I'm not really upset, but I wish they would have stayed for a little longer. Haruhi taught me how to make sugar cookies and I've been practicing a lot since then so that I could impress her with my skills! It would have also been nice to talk to Ranka since we got off on the wrong foot when he first got here. [Smiling through all of this, as usual, despite the fact that he is upset by their disappearance. There's no reason to make that known to everyone.]

Since they aren't here I have a lot of extra cookies so if anyone wants to try them you can come over! I don't think I have enough for everyone, but I wouldn't mind making more if I have to! It's no wonder commoners like cooking so much, it's a lot of fun! Maybe after this I can find even more recipes and try to make even more things!

Everyone who arrived yesterday are especially invited! I know that suddenly finding yourself here can be very stressful and cookies are always good for cheering people up so this might be very nice! [And suddenly his smile goes away and is replaced with a thoughtful look.] Ah, but there are cookies in the welcome basket aren't there? I guess this would be a lot of cookies to add to those... [But his smile is back right after that.]

[And one last thing before he ends the feed.] Everyone who comes over can meet my parrot, too! He's very loud and likes to sing, but he's also very friendly and I think a lot of people will like him!
[action | closed]
11 January 2012 at 06:20 pm
[ Miwako was all gussied up today - though not unusual, she did have a reason. As planned, today was a movie date. She was feeling a little worried about bringing Dorian with her, because of that one conversation she had had with Alois about how Dorian was weak and could be crushed - and how she was a bad mother. That still bothered her, even so much later on.

But it wasn't the time to focus on that. Today was a day for fun - for glamor! She had a copy of Velvet Goldmine on DVD in her purse, the only one she could find at the store (she was so relieved it was there). She really hoped Alois would like it. She also brought with her a small collection of earrings, a needle and thread, and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. She figured they could just stand by the sink in the kitchen to pierce his ears, in case it bled. Hopefully that wouldn't go too awry... She hadn't pierced anyone else before, but how different could it be?

So with her cat in her arms, DVD and piercing supplies in tow, Miwako set off to the common room to meet up with Alois there. She wasn't even sure if he was bringing Claude, but either way - she hoped her first time actually meeting her friend would be a good one. ]
☠ video/action
11 January 2012 at 05:49 pm
[While some people are able to go enjoy themselves out in the snow, other inmates are still restrained and have to do chores.

It's lunch time in the cafeteria, and Sougo is sitting at one of the tables, eating a banana suggestively. He's bored and he wants to sleep, and he also would love to mess with people, buuuuuut he is trying to get out of his restraint and all.]

I don't know what you all complain about. It's not so bad here.


I think cigarettes and mayonnaise should be banned. They're not good for us, you know.

Oh yeah, what's the longest you were restrained for?

[He was curious. Very curious.]
11 January 2012 at 05:29 pm
[The feed comes on and Nill adjusts the communicator, smiling nice and wide at the screen. She just... stares at it for a moment, then looks down. A few seconds later, finally some text shows up:]

was reading book this morning
and found one that said this

[Her face? SO EXCITED.]

looks like smile !!
and this

[Just then, she frowns, trying to imitate the face, followed by a sheepish smile. It's okay! She wasn't really sad! This next part it takes her a big longer to type, but she manages,]

also saw this
ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ ☆⌒(>。≪)
but do not know what it is supposed to be???
that book was fun
The 149th Day
09 January 2012 at 06:11 pm
Good morning, inmates. It is the 149th day of the third generation.

Preparations have been completed for inmate Sasha's snowball fight.
[In other words, there is snow on the ground again.] Inmates who do not wish to participate may be advised to give the area a wide berth.

Inmate Subaru Nakajima, the renovations you requested are now complete.

...Additionally, inmate Cheshire Cat. If you require sustenance, the bots in the shelter kitchens and restaurants across the dome are ready and waiting to make any variety of food you would like. The koi fish are not intended for inmate consumption and further incursions will result in action by this system.
07 January 2012 at 12:54 am
I've heard a couple of new people around, so I thought I'd make myself known. Hey guys! I'm Gino Weinberg. And I'm offering my help to everyone, well actually, all the new Marinarians. [Yup, he's borrowing the term Yuuki coined!]

What can this guy do for me? You might be asking. Well, I can't get that chain off your foot and I can't get you back home, but I can help you with all those pesky chores you're no doubt doing right this moment. I'm a great hand at laundry. Just ask Kallen and Suzaku! And I'm pretty good at gardening too. So just give me a call if you need me! I'll be pretty much available all day. And the days after.

[He gives a wave and shuts off the camera. You can find him in the laundry room! Or - wherever the robots are taking you to do chores!]
02 January 2012 at 11:34 pm
[the video flicks on to a shot of Luna staring at something off-screen. It must be very interesting, because she is totally not looking at the camera.]

I don't think it's very fair for us to be here. [she starts off, no doubt these words are ones that everyone has heard!] We are underneath the ocean after all. The mermen and the other creatures that live in these waters must be terribly inconvenienced. I wouldn't particularly enjoy having a giant dome built across my home. I'd have to swim around or over it to get to the garden, and that would take more effort and time than it would have just swimming straight across.

[she pauses and for a moment it seems like she won't continue.] Has anyone asked them what they think?

[anyone who comes across sector three will see Luna walking slowly in a...spiral. Yes, that's right. If she sees you, she will probably approach first!]
02 January 2012 at 08:44 pm
[ On the video screen: an expression-less gold-plated robot, who adjusts the focus of the video several times, fussily. ]

Hello. Hello, is this thing on? [ He taps it. ] All right. [ He straightens proudly. ] I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations. I am a... recent arrival to this planet and only seek to be of assistance to the residents here. I am fluent in over six billion forms of communication and would be glad to assist in issues of protocol and diplomacy.

[ And then he sighs -- or at least, it sounds like a sigh, even though he doesn't have real lungs. ] Oh, what's the use? I'm sure I'll be in pieces before morning.

[ On that despairing note, he turns the video off. ]
video; 001. ♘ One Public Service Announcement
03 January 2012 at 09:19 am
[ This one seems calm to say the least. He takes a moment to adjust his glasses berfore surveying the surroundings with a slight frown. A quick check of his person assured him he was still in one piece despite his change of surroundings. But then there was something distinctly out of place.

Two things, actually.

The most obvious concern came from that sudden weight on his ankle. A ball and chain. Who had been foolish enough to try that? But much to his chagrin, he finds himself unable to break free. No matter. That would be dealt with in time.

The second concern is that infuriating pull. That damned itch and yank on his collar that he had begun to so utterly despise. That brat, his cursed brat of a master was still alive. But how? Why? Hadn't he just killed the child? He was supposed to be dead. He made sure of that. If he hadn't finished him off then surely the wolves would have.

Annoyance at this second bit causes a rather obvious frown to come to that normally cool facade and a slight click of the tongue. But what was this? Ah. ]

As I've gathered, this is... a prison?

[ He didn't think the feds would've caught up with him this fast. Were there even feds for demons? No time for ifs, whys and hows though. There are more important things on hand. ]

At any rate, I am Claude Faustus, head butler of the Trancy house. I understand my [ slight hesitation and acid on the word ] master, Alois Trancy may be among your number. If someone would be so kind as to direct me to him, your assistance would be appreciated.
[video - open]
02 January 2012 at 01:17 pm
[The message she received was all too strange. Is this a dream? Though she’s not entirely surprised she’s been caught and sent to prison. After everything she’s done… she’s technically a criminal right? She should accept her fate…

What she doesn’t notice are her restraints, or rather she underestimates them, causing her trip and her device to fall off and flip on. Her face shows an expression of slight pain, but she easily shakes it off as she stands up, picking her device up with her. Noticing it’s on, she does her best to force a smile. It looks genuine, but to anyone who knows her well enough, it’s easy to tell there’s a fake attribute to it.]

Ah, good morning everyone! I understand I have been brought here due to the crimes I’ve committed, but it seems we’re still allowed to communicate with one another, am I correct? I’m honestly so glad! [And that part is genuine. She rather doesn’t like being lonely.]

My name is Estellise, and it would be a pleasure to make all of your acquaintance. [Then a pause as she looks thoughtful…] Is there a library here or at least a place that sells books? If anyone could tell me, I would be so grateful!
[ Gamewide Mingle ]
28 December 2011 at 10:42 pm
[Today is quieter around the shelter -- and there's less food. It's getting kind of cramped in here, isn't it? And boring. There are plenty of games and entertainments left over from the party, but everyone is gathered together and... finding things to do.]

[So what are you doing?]
[video/fail filter → very open]
26 December 2011 at 07:54 pm
[It may be too early in the morning for some to be cheerful, but not Nia. She’s nursing a mug of steamed tea when she opens what is supposed to be a private communicator feed, still in her pajamas.]

Simon, what are – sexual relations?

[She heard it earlier, and she’s confused! Beastmen never do anything like that, after all. Probably.]
20 December 2011 at 03:38 pm
[the breath whooshes out of Roxas audibly as the video clicks on. he's on top of a low building, maybe three stories tall, outside the dome, and he directs the video to look out over an almost completely unfamiliar landscape, piled so high with unbroken white snow that it seems barren and surreal]

It is really cold out here. Look at all that snow.

[he directs the video down again. --directly underneath his position, there's a big hole in the snow, showing how deep it is]

It's taller than I am. [wryly, reaching down to brush it off his black leather coat] I was going to offer to get anything anyone needs from their place, but I'm not sure I could find it in -- this.

But I'm glad I got to take a picture of it. [so that he can keep the memory of this, even if he doesn't remember]

I've been taking a lot of pictures lately... and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in teaching a class or joining a club about photography. [looking into the video again now, smiling a bit] What do you guys think?

((ooc: Roxas is going to bamf back inside in a few moments, so if you want action for some reason, just say so in the header))
[Video//Action | Open] BANQUET MINGLE GO!
20 December 2011 at 12:16 pm
Good morning, Marina! [Have a very smiley pink haired girl on your video feed!] For anyone I haven’t met, I’m Lacus Clyne and I’m very glad to meet you.

It seems as though we’re all going to be in the shelter today, so we should make the best of things. I was thinking that we should get together and have a big winter banquet! Anyone who wants to help cook should please feel free to come to the kitchens and assist, and if not you should still come and enjoy the food with us.

Dinner will be served at 5 in the main cafeteria, and after that maybe we could have fun playing games and watching movies together. I hope everyone has a good day, and I hope to see everyone at the feast!

[A few minutes later]

I just learned that today is also Ritsuka’s birthday! To celebrate there will be a cake and some special desserts and decorations. [as many decorations as they can find without access to the store.] Everyone please, stop by to wish him a happy birthday!

((OOC Notes: Mingle post, open to all! Reply to Lacus by [video] or there are several action options: [cooking] any time before 5pm ICly, [dinner] a huge buffet of almost anything you could want, or [after dinner] for card games, board games, and movies throughout the cafeteria and nearby common rooms! Your character is in no way obligated to be at all of these, but they could be if you want~

Also! A link to Ritsuka’s birthday party will be added once it goes up. There will be cake and lots of special desserts and pretty decorations in one area of the cafeteria.

If anyone wants to intentionally or unintentionally sabotage the food, please contact me OOCly before you do so. Thanks and ENJOY!))
[action | closed]
15 December 2011 at 12:29 am
[ It's time for the Dome to be cleaned, and that means the shelter is crowded... In Miwako's room, though, it's holding just three happy people - well, two happy people and a happy cat. In accordance with the cleaning schedule, Orihime is staying the night in Miwako's shelter room. Needless to say, they're having themselves a proper sleepover, complete with nail polish and all.

Miwako is already in her pajamas with curlers in, even. Going through a small basket of nail polish that she's collected from the store over the past few weeks of being in Marina, she's deliberating a very important question. ]

Orihime-chan, which color do you want? What's your favorite...? [ There are too many choices! ]
[ Video/Action | Shelter Kitchens | Open ]
15 December 2011 at 12:21 am
[ Those accustomed to a busy, if not hectic schedule such as Principal Lee should be kept occupied, lest their evil start showing. Ominously dark auras are unsightly and not pleasing to the Master and so he must find himself something to do and to share to keep said crazy evil in check. ]

Good day to you, Marina. If some of you may recall the last time I have addressed the network, I have spoken of culinary applications of flowers.

I have personally undertaken experiments since then and today, for those still interested, I would like to share the recipe I am following. [ And modified. ]

For those who would like to join me in passing time, please head to the Shelter Kitchen -- [ in such-such floor ] and I will be more than glad to share what I know.

Thank you very much for your time.

(( OOC: Threadjacking/mingling is welcome! ))
10 December 2011 at 02:03 pm

[Sup, folks. Have a Hideki poking at the screen.]

Is it on? I thought these things were supposed to tell you when they started recording! Uh.... Right! I'm Hideki Motosuwa. [Smile!] Alright, so I read everything in these brochures and I gotta say... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?

Acumen? Supernatural abilities? Britannian? I may not have remembered much from school but I know there's not a language called that! Oh, did you mean British, maybe? I always thought they just called that English. -- Wait, that's not the point! What's up with these welcome packets!? What is this, a vacation? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying tie me up or anything like that. It's not really my thing, if you catch my drift. I'm just saying that it's sketchy! I mean, is it really alright to give criminals a movie theater? There's even a baseball team!

I'll just get to the point -- I know that I'm innocent. Just how many of you are really criminals?

☆ video
09 December 2011 at 09:35 pm


All of this snow is making things interesting! I'm so excited to have company, yay!


[Backs away from the screen, holding up the darker one.]

Also, look who's back! I've got Coco back!
06 December 2011 at 12:52 pm
[It takes him next to no time at all to figure out the communicator, and when he realises that Lilo and the others are nowhere nearby, Stitch went on a searching spree for them. He can still be found, running along, looking around frantically]

Lilo! Lilo!

[His English is awkward, obviously not his first language. Finally, annoyed with how badly his search is going, he turns the communicator on. Maybe Lilo or the others have one!

Ooooo video screen. Helpful! Scanning for his ohana and wondering which of the many here put him in here]
Aka boocha... [The alien mutters under his breath, words untranslated. It's probably guessable though, since he's a newbie here. He growls a little before speaking up again] Lilo! Nani? Pleakly? Jumba? [Come ooooon, if he's here, Jumba at least has to be. Where's an evil genius scientist when you need one?]
02 December 2011 at 02:56 pm
Hello~! Say hi, Dorian! [ A shot of an unenthused white kitten cleaning itself, instead of saying Hello. ] Dorian, that's rude...

Anyhow, first of all~! Neil, your little coat is ready. I hope it fits him. I couldn't find a ball that was the same size, so it was hard to guess...

Secondly, does anyone know if Acu celebrates Christmas? Orihime-chan and I were thinking it would be fun to have a Christmas party. And earlier I was thinking about New Year's, too... I thought it'd be a fun idea. [ A thoughtful pause... Survey time? ]

If you could, what would you guys ask Santa for this year~?

private to Hikaru ▶

Hi, Hikaru~! I hate to be a nuisance, but Miwako was wondering if she could stay with you tomorrow while the shelter is being cleaned? I think you said you had your own house... I don't think I know anyone else who does. We could play ping-pong, if you'd like~