[video/audio post]
07 November 2011 at 11:46 pm
[an image of a young man with black robes appears on the video communicator. He's chained in restraints and sitting on the edge of a bed, looking rather bored, and a bit pleased that he'd worked out the device]

Such a very nice welcome, or so it would seem. This world looks like none that I have become familiar with, nor does it look like a time that I am familiar with. Greetings, companions. I am Raistlin Majere.
[Video] All grown up.
01 November 2011 at 11:01 pm
Lookie lookie, Edward got a trick and a treat!

[The video cuts on to show an older Edward, that is now quite clearly female. There is also the robotic corgi that looks to be done at the edge of the screen in addition to a mountain of what looks like debris and junk.]

Zwo is almost complete~ Edward has to get a few more parts though.

[Not that she needs it from the way that the child woman is bouncing around, but she opens another piece of candy and eats the chocolate before adding the wrapper to a stack and doing a handstand.]

What do you think Zwo, shouild we go out again and get more candy?
video/action ==> open
01 November 2011 at 03:04 pm
[ Get out of there, droid. The Pet Cafe is for kitties and doggies and bunnies, not for astromech droids. You aren't even an organic lifeform, so what are you doing with kitty ears and a tail? You may think that you're a kitty, droid, but I bet no one would like it if you tried to curl up on their face. You shouldn't try that, you aren't even fuzzy. ]

21 October 2011 at 02:21 pm
[Oh hey, it's this guy.]

[York is seated at a desk in an apartment, a vaguely amused look on his face. He appears to be wearing a brand new suit, looking sharp as a tack, if a little too big in the shoulders. Oh, well. He's as sincere and conversational as you can possibly be about what he's about to say.]

This morning's prank was absolutely perfect! Nothing like waking up in the wrong bed to keep you on your toes. I'd like to shake the hand of whomever put that one together. If I need to shake a slimy flipper or a robotic grasping tool, I'll be glad to do that, too.

Reminds me of my high school days... not that I or anyone I knew had the ability to teleport people around. Too bad, really.

By the way, I'd like to talk to someone about the Defense Force. Or several someones. I'm not exactly short on time, unless someone would like to tailor my new suits for me. [This is not a joke. Suits are a very important matter.]
[ Voice | Open ]
17 October 2011 at 08:36 pm
The Shelter rooms need better locks. [ He says with a sigh. This morning is about par for the kind of weirdness he expects. At least this time it wasn't a tiny red dragon... ]

Look, is anyone going to be taking over that English class? I keep going on the days it's in session and no one shows or leaves any notes, so something's obviously up.

I figured I might as well brush up while I'm here, in case I ever get caught without my communicator again.

(ooc: Action thread with York closed and will likely contain hilarious Engrish. Read at your own discretion!)
The 137th Day
17 October 2011 at 06:08 pm
Good morning, inmates. It is the 137th day of the third generation.

The weather in the dome today will be seasonally-appropriate for autumn: cool and clear. You may wish to take this time to admire the autumn colors before leaves begin to fall.
[And the bots skitter around with tiny rakes and leaf-blowers to clean them up.]

Inmate Subaru Nakajima, the item you requested is available for pick up at the entrance to the shelter in Sector 0.
[ Action/Video | Open | Shelter Kitchen]
11 October 2011 at 01:17 pm
[ Before one even arrives into the kitchen, they will be met with the aromas of something grainy and nutty, then sweet and milky, enveloped with the distinct scent of strong, freshly-brewed coffee.

For those who know Sasha, making too much food is a habit she still has to shake off. But they also know that she is more than willing to share.

And whether you are a familiar face or a new one, you will be greeted with a warm smile and a bright -- ]

Good morning! Would you like some breakfast?

---------- Video -----------

[ And thinking that perhaps more can benefit from a warm meal to start the day, she switches on her video feed -- ]

Good morning, Marina! I have made some breakfast. Would you like to join me?

[ And there is a view of freshly baked bread and something that resembles pies -- for breakfast, yes. ]
04 October 2011 at 11:18 pm


[ Action | Wide Open | Forward-dated to pre-dawn (tomorrow) ]
01 October 2011 at 06:32 pm
It is a peaceful morning in the Shelter. In the dome above, the artificial daylight cycle has not yet begun. The halls echo with the gentle sounds of early morning residents milling around and robots going about their business amidst the even, sterile glow of the artificial lights. Yes, all is quiet and calm...

Until the alarm goes off.

Some will recognize that it is Sentience's voice -- not Acumen's -- that follows the echoing, whooping alarm that rings out through the halls of the entire Shelter and directs everyone to stay calm:

"Attention. Attention. An emergency has been reported in this building. Please, cease operations and calmly leave the building utilizing the nearest stairwell exit. Do not use the elevators. I repeat. Do not use the elevators!"

This continues on for many minutes, as denizens stir from their slumber or drop their meals and take to the halls. At least... it is expected that everyone follows the evacuation orders and strobe lights as directed. Elevators are non-functional for the duration of the alert. (But you can try to hack or override them if you want -- just expect someone to notice, later.)

As an added bonus: those in the kitchen and dining areas, sprinklers have activated, as that is the source of the disturbance. A perfect way to start your morning, right? (Don't worry -- there is a laundry cart with towels upstairs outside the exits.)

OOC notes! )
video ;; filtered AWAY from Flynn Scifo // open action
21 September 2011 at 10:31 pm
[ video on, and you're staring up at Yuri's face as he fiddles with his comm. he notices the video is working after a beat, and then -- grins into it. ]

Hey. The name's Yuri Lowell, if we haven't met. Just thought I'd give everybody a little heads-up -- Brave Vesperia is now open for business.

[ he steps back out of view and it's clear that he's claimed a little bit of Sector Three for himself, a small storefront with big picture windows. "Brave Vesperia" is hung up over the door, a bot-made sign. he's had some help with setting up. ]

((ooc: Wondering what Brave Vesperia is and why you should care? Ask away! Yuri will gladly use more words once he sees they're necessary. X3 Reply by video or feel free to notice him setting up if you're in the area. Or Flynn.))
14 September 2011 at 03:39 pm
Upon entering Sector 4, the very large tent that stands framed by the beach is quickly noticeable. Closer, one can see colors dancing upon the white sheets, like opalesque spires under the moving onyx sky. As you enter one of the wings of the tents, grass give way to wooden flooring, and chains of white blossoms and gold ribbons line the sides. The open dance floor in the center bids one to look up to whimsical white-gold lamps, balls of light dancing in seas of violet, blue, green and pink organza. The fabrics fall down pillars adorned with leaves and flowers. Tables set in white and gold with jewel toned flowers sit at the four wings surrounding the dance floor.

... but it is far too early to take a seat. Smile and greet your fellow attendee, take the hand of a friend, and dance to the music.

Welcome to Marina Academy's First Promenade!

There are large tables with finger foods and punch (not spiked -- save it for the after-party!), and very little space near the walls (sorry, wallflowers! You won't get away so easily. )  After a large number of people are gathered together, Jeanne stands up on the small stage set to the side of the dance floor and taps on the microphone to get everyone's attention...

+ Info post / thread index (please read this first!)
+ Jeanne's greeting speech!
+ Prom King and Queen announcement. (Spoiler: It's Euphie and Kanda.)
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5000 Replies · Maximum comments reached
11 September 2011 at 03:38 pm
[It's late at night, which is exactly what Sentience wanted before making a post like this.]

The Engineers do not take anything seriously. That's simply the way they are; they have a tendency -- not a personal tendency, but a racial tendency, wired into their brain functioning -- to laugh at painful or difficult topics, to treat them lightly.

But even taking cultural differences into account, it is... cruel, isn't it? To take out their boredom on the people here. This is supposed to be a place where criminals can live out their sentences in peace. Everyone here is a person, not... a toy.

[Sentience still seems troubled about the fourth wall.]
[Action | Open]
06 September 2011 at 08:52 pm
[York WAS minding his own business, exploring the dome while tons of people chatted on the network--]

[And then suddenly, he was in another part of the prison altogether, with a ball and chain around his ankle. Staggering in surprise, he nearly loses his balance, but manages to regain it before he takes an undignified tumble into someone's flowerbed. Once he shakes it off, he reaches up to touch his temple.]

Did you catch that, Zach? I didn't! [Sounding excited, in a hushed sort of way.] It was like we experienced teleportation! They make it seem a lot more dignified in fiction. [Pausing.] You're right. The time of day is all wrong for instantaneous travel. What do you suppose it was, then...?

[He settles down on a nearby convenient seating surface, taking a tomato out of his pocket to snack on while he ponders this turn of events with "Zach".]