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16 March 2012 at 04:19 pm
[Sesshoumaru can frequently be found near the koi pond as the day wanes, watching the inmates come and go as Mizuki amuses herself by darting for the edge of the water and then back again to the Western Lord's side.

For the most part, he ignores his companion's splashing and attempts to lure him into her games. It would be unseemly for him to indulge in such antics, particularly in his current form. Though Mizuki's companionship does make the place tolerable for the time being, Sesshoumaru is far from content in Marina. Now fully rested after the rebellion against Acumen, he finds himself once more frustrated and lacking a suitable outlet for his energies.

He turns away from his perusal of his fellow inmates to watch Mizuki more closely when, quite suddenly, movement on the pond's surface catches his attention. Sesshoumaru freezes, eyes wide.

Across the surface of the pond, a battle that could never be takes place. A tall demon, his white hair swept high into a warrior's topknot, pushes forward, expression grim as his sword strikes Bakusaiga and forces the weapon and its wielder back. It is the battle that Sesshoumaru long dreamed of waging with his father, the battle that was stolen from him the day the Inu no Taisho died for the sake of a human woman and a halfbreed whelp.

Before the vision reaches its end, Sesshoumaru reaches down and, in a blur of motion, skips a pebble across the water's surface, disrupting the reflection and obscuring the conclusion of the conflict. He sneers and turns his back on the pond.]
