[Video/Action] - Open
27 September 2011 at 04:24 am
[As his face appears on the feed, little Ciel Phantomhive clears his throat, evidently about to say something important, hence the throat-clearing.]

After much consideration, I have decided to extend an invitation to all the homeless or home-seeking inmates of Marina to my manor in sector five. There is plenty of room within. [Plenty.] However, I do wish for an interview beforehand. I will not let just anyone to live here, so certain qualities must be fulfilled.

Please visit me at any time during the day if you are interested. Please note that I am highly interested in those who enjoy cooking, cleaning, gardening or all three. It is not required, however, to meet this criteria.

[Pauses, as if he's about to turn the camera off, but then he turns and offers a small smile to all of Marina. A very convincing one at that. He's been working on it.]

I look forward to your visit.

((OOC: If you had plans to shove your character into Ciel's manor, here's the place! If you're homeless and just kind of want a random place to stay, do it here! I'm willing to plot out OOCly and right here in the thread as well~))
Location: Phantomhive Manor, sector five
[Video] - Open
27 September 2011 at 04:44 am
[Wherever he is probably does not have a lot of ventilation, because there's a lot of smoke floating around Gilbert's head, being emitted from the cigarette handing out of his mouth. He seems pretty out of it, like something unpleasant just occurred, but then his face returns to being neutral.]

In case any of you care, Xerxes Break and Liam Lunettes are no longer in the dome.

[If someone didn't know him, they would see someone who obviously doesn't care one way or the other about the information he just gave. But truthfully, he didn't feel very good about it. He doesn't like Break, no... But they're friends. And somehow...everything is easier with Break around, if not far more annoying. It's easier...to be relaxed when Break is here. And now he's not here anymore.

Gilbert, truth be told, is not happy to see him go.]
[action | open]
27 September 2011 at 10:37 am
Jyuushiro Ukitake
[A few days had been plenty of time for Ukitake to settle in, given that Orihime had been present to help and Yoruichi--though she appeared to have left Marina--had brought him up to speed upon his arrival. He was grateful for Orihime's offer of a place to stay, glad to have the company and well aware that living alone was unwise, given his health.

The koi pond had quickly become one of his favorite places in Marina, almost a piece of home, and he divided a great deal of his free time between the pond and the other areas within Sector Four. He was there in the morning of Day 134, enjoying the warmth while the weather was still mild, and quietly meditating.]
[Voice] or [Action @ DF HQ | Half-Open] Backdated to the evening of day 133
27 September 2011 at 10:12 pm
Helix Wamtani
I hope there were no hard feelings. [He wasn't being sincere and he sounds pretty worn out.]

I don't feel like sleeping. [Yaaaaaaawn.]

Talk to me. Just try not to bore the fuck out of me, okay? [That was his way of saying he was willing to listen to whatever. Anything to stay awake...]

((ooc: Okay I'm going to be breaking up the Action logs into separate comments. One for the DF folks who dragged him in so they can talk to him, one for VISITORS(??) if there are any, and one for late at night for the lucky sap assigned to watch him.))
[video | Action] - open
27 September 2011 at 11:44 pm
You know. The longer I'm here the less this place seems like a prison. I mean, they have a party and generally let us do as we please. Isn't a prison a place you go to be punished?

[ She shuffles through some clothes on the rack. She's sorting through some blazers right now, trying to find one that fits. If you are in the same clothing store as her, feel free to come up and talk!]