[Action | Open]
04 February 2011 at 12:00 am
[Once again, a Shelter common room has been repurposed into Cain's own personal movie theater. He is relaxing on the couch in some comfortable civvies, with his refreshments on hand: a pitcher of iced coffee on the table, a big bowl of popcorn, and a few sandwiches (just in case Eridan appears) on a closed-lid tray.]

[While Cain really thinks the ball would be a good time, attending those sorts of events too often reminds him of the formal functions and seminars he'd have to attend as a famous Commissar. In other words, he would rather miss out on a bit of fun than risk growing bored of it. This has happened to him before, so he considers it a bit of self-imposed social pacing. ...Not to mention that there is no booze, which is an added dealbreaker.]

[So, tonight's alternate entertainment is: musicals! In particular, he will be watching one which seemed moderately interesting, or possibly terrible enough to be humorous: The Specter of the Music House.]

[[OOC: Both non-ball-goers and people arriving home early are welcome~ He'll be here a while.]]
[MAIL POST | Day 100]
04 February 2011 at 08:07 pm
PM ♕ Prospitian Monarch
  • To Pen Pal Participants: a small gift from the Peregrine Mendicant.

  • Ciel: a package from Fai.

[Another fairly brief route. Most people are at the ball, so she doesn't worry about changing out of her plain black ninja costume. And why not? She can just tell people who she is, if they somehow don't recognize her in her very convincing getup.]

[Click here for pen pal signups. Mail submissions for Day 101 go here!]
[action/closed to housemates] [forward-dated to after midnight!]
04 February 2011 at 10:43 pm
Suzaku Kururugi
[ somebody is hovering on the porch outside, feeling kind of sheepish. what do you say in this situation? he rubs the back of his neck a tiny bit and looks up at the door. should he go in? ]
[Action - Open]
04 February 2011 at 11:12 pm
[Diva was in a good mood today and the slight kiss of dew on her cheek as she slowly danced her away across the park to the ball was just the hint of freshness she craved. She missed being outdoors, but she had made a promise.]

[Giggling a little, Diva stopped, listening for the sound of heartbeats in the crowd, listening for her favorite people. The girl with the dog, the boy who flustered so easily and... Ah yes, there was Saya. So far away...]

[Laughing, Diva sang a little louder, weaving in words to the wordless song she usually sang. Saya]

((OOC: Diva's wearing a Day Uniform from Vampire Knight but alas, she's not exactly one for doing up her own buttons... Post dated an hour into the ball. Anyone welcome to run into her being creepy before she undergoes a personality switch! Also, apologies for the back-to-back Diva related posts. Work schedules just kind of made it happen this way.))
[Closed] Forward-dated to after midnight
04 February 2011 at 11:28 pm
Ashton Anchors
[ As it turns out, Ashton's thermostat has been broken all day, but he was preparing for -- or attending -- the ball and could not shut it off. All that was left to do was to let the warm air vent that it would be comfortable enough to sleep. He changed out of his costume and into a simple pair of black house pants and t-shirt as soon as he arrived at home, and then walked out to the mini-porch of his third story apartment. His skin prickled at the feeling of cool air against his bare arms, and he sighed. ]

"That... was fun..." )

(ooc: Order is MOMO & Ashton until Diva discovers him. Then Conrad & Faith after a few tags there. *WARNING* Possible triggers: violence, blood, gore, and near-death situations. This might not be pretty, folks.;)