07 January 2011 at 01:37 am
Ava Wilson
[Late lunch, early dinner, Ava doesn't care. She just wanted to eat and the pizza parlor? Made really good pizza. She's got four large pizzas in front of her--meat lover's, Hawaiian, barbecue chicken, pepperoni--and she knows she won't be able to eat all of it, but she doesn't care. She's so bored, eating is one of the few things no one is getting on her case about. Maybe she'll be nice and share the wealth.]

Got some extra pizza left over at the parlor. Not much, but first come, first gets it.
Location: Pizza Parlor / Late Afternoon
07 January 2011 at 02:49 pm
Reiichirou Shiba
This has got to be the worst headache I've ever had. To date. Even worse than that time I fell off a building. [ his cheerful tone makes it hard to tell whether he's serious or not ] But anyway, it's all coming back to me. This is Marina right? Long time no see I guess.

Oh, right. I almost forgot. [ small pause ]

Thanks so much Acumen! You've never had better timing until now. If it weren't for you I'd still be back there so, I really appreciate it.
[Action | Open]
07 January 2011 at 07:08 pm
Saya Otonashi
[The cold hasn't kept Saya off the beach tonight, where she's settled with a large blanket thrown over her lower half. A foot away rests a thick book, old and tattered, the pages and cover spattered with soot. On the cover, engraved on a gold seal, is the name "Joel Goldschmidt" and the year 1833.]

[Now she knows. Everything. What she is, where she comes from -- and Diva. Pages and chapters and decades of it all.]

[And all she can manage to do is sit and stare into the sea and wonder what she's going to do now.]
[MAIL POST | Day 96 | with Video ]
07 January 2011 at 10:22 pm
PM ♕ Prospitian Monarch
  • Dean: indirectly for Cas, a manilla envelope from Jennifer.

  • Fai: a package from Lyle Dylandy.

[Deliveries are light today, but that's to be expected with yesterday's package-giving fervor! This is alright, for she has very important business to attend to today: her friend from "home" has arrived, and she is doing her best to help him acclimate to civilized life again. And feeding him. A lot. However, it is time to make her usual announcement...]


[Clad in her lovely dark blue winter outfit sans the coat, and an extremely bright and multicolored scarf.] Greetings, new arrivals to Marina Asylum. I am the Peregrine Mendicant, and post master of our lovely Marina Asylum Postal Service. You are invited to make use of it as you wish. It is free of charge and inmate operated! Also, there is a pen pal service you may register with to meet your fellow inmates, but it is by no means required.

Please stop by the post office any time for its rules and for mail supplies. I look forward to meeting you all.

[Click here for pen pal signups. Mail submissions for Day 97 go here!]