[Action|Open] Backdated to Before/After Morning Announcement
31 August 2010 at 12:33 am
Soubi Agatsuma
[Anyone walking down this street in Sector 4 may notice the oddity of the blond sitting outside Lelouch's house. The weather is warm enough that he doesn't have a coat, but his shirt is rumpled and loose--the top two buttons are also missing--and the bandages normally careful wrapped around Soubi's neck are missing, the jagged links and word etched into his skin obvious. If you get close enough, you'll notice some of them are red and formerly bleeding, as if scratched at repeatedly.

His clothes are dusty, dirty, from wandering around majority of the night.

He doesn't look upset, but he is sitting against the wall beside the door, staring upward at the ceiling of the dome.]

{OOC: In a much better mood, he'll be sitting outside until someone from Lelouch's house notices him, so feel free to bug!}
Location: Sector 4 / Really Early
[Action | Open]
31 August 2010 at 08:26 am
[This could be considered something of an odd sight - Rei is at the basketball courts, dressed in a cream-coloured track suit with powder-blue stripes down the arms and legs, but the ball she's picked up sits a few feet away, untouched. Instead she's got a book in her hands, and she's pacing the length of the court erratically, as though occasionally inspired by something she has read in her book.

At closer glance, this actually makes sense; she's got a basketball rulebook, and she's cramming for the game she and Kid have planned for some time in the next few days. She could have asked Kid to teach her, but she's got a natural aversion to looking foolish in front of anyone, so she's decided to do a bit of recon before she even calls him in. This 'dribbling' sounds complicated, but she's got good hand-eye, so she'll give it a try once she's got the rules down.

Now. What constitutes a three-pointer, rather than the usual two points? She crosses back to one of the hoops, looking up at it curiously.]
31 August 2010 at 02:43 pm
Is there anything to do around here that doesn't involve the school or inane, childish games?
[Video - Open]
31 August 2010 at 06:27 pm
[There's a marvelously radiant, happy man on the camera for anyone who is watching.]

[Ahh...No weird things happening, paintball... That's cause for celebration in his book. And it's made all the better by the fact that his darling daughter isn't quite as sad as she was a few days ago. Kaien himself was cheering up a little too...but his stomach still ached a little, not that that showed at all on the outside.]

Today is a fantastic day...does anyone agree with me?
31 August 2010 at 09:44 pm
So many sporting events. Paintball today. Baseball tomorrow...

Even school!

Now what about those who'd rather have something besides these things? Aren't our little desires just as important?~

I suppose it doesn't matter. Getting carried away with being pampered in a prison, my fellow inmates?
[action | open]
31 August 2010 at 09:47 pm
Ling Yao/Greed
[Ling magically appeared in the shelter kitchen, popping up out of nowhere because doors are things he does not use! Not when a dumbwaiter or a window or even just an air duct will do.]

[And he was hungry. Not, starving, he'll die hungry because he spent the majority of the night gouging on pizza, but rather hungry, hungry. Distinctly not full hungry. So he'll gather up everything in sight and plop it on a table. Crackers, coffee, oatmeal, bananas, chicken, pasta, cabbage, rice, everything. He wasn't picky! He liked it all. He just wanted to enjoy himself to the fullest while he could.]

[Although he did miss Ran Fan. Wondered how she was. Did she have her arm back yet? Was she searching for him? And most distinctly, was she eating enough? She almost had an appetite to rival his own. Ah~ so much good food! Munch, munch, mumble, slurp, swallow, gulp...]
[action | open]
31 August 2010 at 11:48 pm
Sam Winchester
[It didn't work. The wards, the spell, keeping watch. Dean was still gone. His brother was in hell again. It's not a good feeling. He kept to himself yesterday, but today he's out and about. Which, in this case means he is trying to blend into a bar stool at the bar. Sure, it's a little early, but how important is time under the sea in an interdimensional prison?]