[voice / filtered from Homunculi ]
21 July 2010 at 12:06 am
Maes Hughes
So today the school officially opened, huh? So the school year starts... it brings back memories! The fresh smell of paper and pencils, the studious atmosphere and the opportunity to learn exciting new things. I remember it as if it were yesterday- of course, the school I attended wasn't nearly as interesting as this one. Congratulations, miss Euphemia-- for organizing and getting such a large project started successfully. I'm sure it'll bring on good things.

I'm even looking through the catalog myself! [ Haha! so looking at you, tech courses. ] I'm not so sure I'm ready to relive the basics, I barely passed Algebra the first time around... If anything, I think I'll try expanding my horizons and look into new things.

Hm, I didn't know you were an Alchemist, Fletcher! Hosting an Alchemy class with Al? Don't show off to the girls too much! [ said in totally joking manner mixed with a chuckle ]

Oh, and it's been a few days hasn't it, Jennifer? If you're up for another cup of coffee, I would be too. Is Yuuri attending school here? [ will never tire of Happy Parent Hour ]
8th Connection :: [Action/Video | Open] Dancing With An Innovade
21 July 2010 at 10:54 am
Ribbons Almark
[Morning - Sector 6, Athletic Complex | Action/Video | Open](1)

[Without VEDA to help him compartmentalize his thoughts and emotions, Ribbons welcomed any form of distraction that would come his way -- and he recalled, with a bit of joy, that he had to make further preparations for the dance classes he will be holding. After the Breakfast Meeting at the Education Center, he became aware that he also had to "advertise" the class as it were, and after several days of not addressing the prison -- what with the encounters he had made -- he hesitated some, before making his broadcast.

He then decided to practice -- a double-purpose to find his feet and to dispel nervousness. He can now be found in one of the available rooms that can be used for dancing (mirrors spanning walls with large windows to let in natural light). The three-beat measure of a mid-tempo waltz can be heard from the room, as the Innovade practiced on his own, using a baton to aid in his position, feet gliding effortlessly on the wooden floor. The video feed then switches on at the last few parts of the piece; and once it was finished, he stopped with a flourish, placing the baton by his left leg with a graceful arc, and extended a gracious bow to a make-believe partner -- which might happen to be the viewer.

The video would then show Ribbons' standing reflection in the mirror, and the otherwise empty dance hall with the morning light streaming through the windows from his left. He wasn't wearing anything fancy -- something practical and comfortable as Kitty Pryde had recommended: simple black pants, a nicely fitting white t-shirt and sports shoes.]

Another 'speech' under the cut ^^; -- basically introducing himself and the course he's teaching, and that he can do demonstrations at the Athletic Complex. )

[Later in the Day - Sector 3, Almark-Care Residence | Action | Closed](2)

[The afternoon had been spent writing letters and cards and deposited at the Marina Post Office and then he all but jogged back to his home, running straight to his room to freshen up, a whirlwind of movement til he settled in the kitchen, getting tea sets, snacks and hot water ready~]

OOC Notes )
video | open
21 July 2010 at 01:22 pm
[ Hello! Have a happy Gaap, Marina. Probably not a good thing. ] Hm~hm~hmm. I've been hearing some interesting things lately, and I was wondering, [ giggles ] who here is human and who here isn't? Why, some of you look to be [ sounding somewhat bitter now ] so innocent, and yet you're not. Who should I be wary of? Who should I stay away from? [ she totally didn't filter this from anyone because she doesn't care. also doesn't know who to filter it from. ]

[ her face twists into a bitter smirk, sounding almost angry - a complete change in tone from her light, happy attitude before. ] ...You know, this place is damn snazzy for a prison. [ pauses. snarling; ] What kind of punishment is this? There's even a school...
[action | CLOSED+OPEN]
21 July 2010 at 01:34 pm
[Around Midday, Merlin's Shelter Room | CLOSED]
[ Merlin's spent the morning fast asleep -- quite the lazy one, without Gaius, or bots or the noise of a large city to wake him early. In fact, it's nearly whatever passes for 'midday' in Marina by the time he begins to stir ]

[ he has felt it before, the rush of magic stabbing through his sleep, waking him with a jolt of awareness. But this time is different. This time, the sudden pounding throb of heat comes from within himself. His eyes fly open, bright gold for a moment as power pulses through him again, filling him up. He gasps aloud, his skin tingling with fire as the magic shifts and then finally settles back into place like a sigh ]

[ it takes a moment, of blinking a sudden glare from his eyes, and swallowing down the feeling that something is about to burst from his throat, to work out what has happened. There is a lightness when he moves his legs, that has been absent the past two days; and he lets out a sudden whoop of joy, leaping up from the bed he'd been asleep in ]

I'm free!

[Later, in the shelter | OPEN]
[ all but bounces out into the common area, thrilled and comforted by the return of his magic. He hadn't realised how off-kilter he'd been feeling without it, and now it is back he feels fantastic! And ravenous! ]

[ now he only has to work out how to get to the food. He's standing, looking blankly at what he's sure has to be a kitchen, but which is utterly foreign. Where was the fire and spit, the stew pot, the oven? Where were the hanging meats, the crocks of greens and barrels of grain? ]

[ OOC: First part closed to himself and Amaterasu, while he's in his room. Open to all, later in the shelter common/kitchen area. Apologies for last week's absence, I will be catching up on back tags today, I hope! ]
Location: Sector 0 || The Shelter
[Voice / Action]
21 July 2010 at 02:16 pm
Latios, this isn't funny anymore!

[A certain red-and-white dragon is zooming around everywhere. She is doing so at very fast speed. Apologies for anything light that might be blown about by her passing]

Where are you hiding?

[She will find you big brother :l And then you will be scolded! But first, finding]

((Latios is gone, so she won't actually be finding him. Someone help a poor dragon?))
21 July 2010 at 02:22 pm
Buffy Summers
[Voice||Private to Faith.]



Can we talk?


[ no school for Buffy, nope! but that doesn't mean she isn't kind of hanging around the grounds, almost wistfully. feel free to come harass her about why she's not doing something she kind of visibly wants to do. ]
[Action | Voice | Video ]
21 July 2010 at 03:22 pm
Kobato Hanato

[Running at full speed which admittedly isn't all that fast, Kobato can be seen sprinting down one of the many streets of the dome, holding her hat as she goes. Looking frazzled with a red mark on her face from where she slept on the floor after rolling off her futon she closes her eyes and pushes herself to run faster]

It...It's my first day of school and I'm already late! [skdfls ;O;] How did this happen!?

[Gasping for breath she slows to a walk before bending over and leaning on her legs. Just a short pause to breathe.]

[OOC: Guess who stayed up too late last night? Also, she's probably running in the wrong direction, all worked up from being late. Feel free to stop or correct her! She can be running or paused. ♥]
[ Video ]
21 July 2010 at 08:58 pm
It's been relatively quiet...

Is this school the reason? If it is... How boring. Better off without it.
[ video / action ]
21 July 2010 at 10:50 pm
[There is an androgynous three-foot-tall robot in a yellow dress and a bow on its head hanging around outside an apartment building in Sector 3, dribbling a basketball nimbly from one hand to the next. Looks like Sentience has gotten the hang of fine motor coordination.]

The school seems quite successful so far. It is strange -- it has been my experience that although most if not all of those resources are already in place for those interested in learning, they had been largely under-utilized.

I suppose it is the element of connection that makes a learning environment engaging.

[bounce, bounce, bounce]