22 April 2010 at 06:32 pm
Spike (William the Bloody)
Real bang up job the Defense Force is doing lately. They're the only ones to get robbed, we've got some sodding sleeping plague about, and now someone went and got themselves murdered all mysterious like.

Then again, it's not like it makes any difference to me one way or the other. And don't think I didn't come bearing helpful ideas. Ever considered matching uniforms? Couldn't hurt really.
22 April 2010 at 06:37 pm
Zero Kiryuu
[Zero effortlessly carried the body as he moved across the dome. Whatever had been going on had affected the vampire in such a way that he was having difficulty with control. The vampire was not him, for once. Not that he was much better after spending the morning cleaning up blood.]

[Stepping up to the house, it hadn't been very long since he was here last. Not that he'd ever actually stepped on the actual property of the house like he was now. He had no desire to enter the home but he pushed the doorbell anyway knowing that what he intended on doing would have some resistance by the inhabitants of the place. He'd assured Aidou that he wouldn't allow him to harm anyone, a promise even Aidou knew he'd take seriously.]
[action | closed]
22 April 2010 at 06:57 pm
Yuuri Shibuya
[Yuuri keeps giving Yuuki reassuring smiles.] It'll be fiiiiine. This is a good idea. Don't worry about it. [He was talking to her. Really. He didn't need to reassure himself that this wasn't a terrible plan that only works in the movies and they aren't in the movies.]

Plus, the food is really good. And they'll be here soon.

[Yuuri looks around, not that he can really see anything from where the two of them are standing on the arcade's roof. He'd probably hear them on the stairs before anything else. Kaoru did an amazing job with the place though. There were plants and flowers all over and pretty lanterns glowing which were going to look even better once it got dark. There was a little table set up with two chairs and covered plates, staying warm. Yuuri recommended steak. She'd probably like it two days in a row, right?

There were even candles. Hmm...it wasn't too romantic was it? Sure it was a transferred date, but it was really just to get Zero and Yuuki talking...not kissing. Maybe this is why Aidou doesn't like him.]
22 April 2010 at 07:22 pm
Maaaaan. It's kinda been quiet a lot lately over these little things that computer gave us. Kinda makes a guy restless.

We gotta do something to change that. Who's with me?
22 April 2010 at 09:18 pm
Johnny Rayflo
[He's on edge. Two days seems to be the limit. Cherry had his chains off in two days.

That means a certain someone may have had his removed, too.

That means he needs to keep Cherry occupied. But how? He's having problems even wanting to leave the house today. So he's in the house--said person can't enter if he doesn't let him.

Time to get things rolling.]

Hmm... How about a fun game~? I'll create a scenario and you can answer on what you would do if you were stuck in it.

Let's say you find out you have an admirer. Now, you don't like the person that way, but they're pushy. Maybe they won't take no for an answer. What would you do?

And don't be afraid to ask in return. It's a fun distraction.
[Voice | Action | Mixed-bag of open/closed]
22 April 2010 at 10:45 pm
Miko "Jennifer" Shibuya
[Voice | Closed - shortly after talking to Ryu, just before lunch.]

Mami? Are you free today? Ryu was hoping you'd keep him company! And it'd be a huge help for me if you could as well~ [♥]

[Action | Closed to Wanijima people]

[knocking!] Kaito! Agito! I'm here with lunch~

[Voice | Open - after the lunch hour.]

[barely controlled anger] If I ever get my--! [sounds of frustration and stomping and ... deep breath] Can someone with medical experience please get back to me right away? Especially anyone familiar with dragons!