03 September 2011 at 01:03 am
Tear Grants
The Crossover Meme

What it says right up there, so the point is to not tag canon/castmates but have fun with other CR!

- Post for your characters(using <!> for a blank comment)!
- Other people, head to the RNG and get a number between 1 and 6 then reply with the scenario corresponding to the number you got!
- Have fun with AUs that will never get out of your headthat you never knew you wanted!

The List

1. Falling Into Another World - They have 'fallen down the rabbit hole',into another world, where the other character lives...

2. Meeting In A Different Place - They meet in a world that is not either character's homeworld.

3. It Actually Was The Same World In The First Place! - They meet, and more often then not, find out that their world was even more odd then they'd thought at first.

4. Character transplant - One of the characters has been AU'd into the other's world. The AU version has existed in that world from the beginning, and has not 'fallen down the rabbit hole'.

5. World Fusion - They have both been AU'd into a fusion world which has elements of both worlds. Both AU versions have existed in that world since the beginning.

6. Make something else up on your own!

Shamelessly stolen from memebells @ lj