02 September 2011 at 01:52 am
Hey guys. I come with some sad news. Unfortunately, as much as I love playing Sora and as much as I've enjoyed this game, I just don't feel like it's my game, if that makes any sense. All of you have been amazing, and I'll miss playing with you all, but for now I'm going to be bowing out and dropping from the game. I recently added just about the entire game on plurk, so if you added me back, feel free to defriend me. Otherwise, I'd love to stay in touch with you all. Thank you for giving me such a warm welcome, and I'm sorry to be letting all of you down. This is an awesome game, and I hope you all go on and make it even better.

Thanks again guys, and hopefully we'll meet again somewhere down the line.
Upcoming plotty things
02 September 2011 at 01:43 pm
Hello Marinanites! Lisa here, mun of Oz and Mal.

So I got mod approval on a plot that might span over a few months our time and I'm really excited about it so I'm just gonna throw the details out at you so that if your muse decides they want in on the fun, then they'll know how to get in.

We aim to misbehave... )
Mood: bouncy