14 August 2011 at 11:57 am
Rider // Μέδουσα
So I've been talking about it. Mainly on Plurk, so if you have me friended there you prolly saw this coming. I can't really pinpoint a specific reason why, but it's just become a job to tag with Rider. I immensely apologize to those she had CR with, especially AC and her Sasha, and Ari and her Saber. :(

So I'm dropping Rider ([info]inkstardust) from Fate/stay Night. She'll be vanishing "tonight" ICly, so your characters may not notice it happening in the rush with 4thwall week. Sorry again.

Still around with Mokou as my solo muse.
14 August 2011 at 05:41 pm
hey loves.

as much as i adore being here and as much as i love the CR i've built and as much as it is paining me to do this, it has gotten to a point where i've hit a mental rut. a lot of stuff has happened that has drained me of the will to do a lot of things and unfortunately RP is one of them. you guys deserve these characters as active as can be and i just do not have the power to give you that currently. i also potentially am moving to London in just over 2 weeks for university, which i reckon will thrust the spanner of inactivity even further in to my works. and that is not fair to you guys as this is the best RP experience i've ever had and you deserve far more than my recently lacking performance because you are all BRILLIANT

so i'm sorry to everything this is disappointing and letting down, and just know that i absolutely plan on returning if my characters are still free (or even not, bullshit ALL the harry potter characters) and when my state, well, brightens up. unhappy remes don't usually last too long, and i won't be too surprised if i'm angrily apping in the next app round (unsure)(unsure)(unsure).

anyway, you know you can always catch me on PLURK and on AIM at byroniccc. or, alternatively, if you want to keep your plurklists RP central, you can kick me off. i will have no hard feelings!

so this is [info]skytied and [info]behard signing off, and i hope you have a good day, all.
14 August 2011 at 08:34 pm
Calling an emergency hiatus! A storm's been blowing through, my entire store flooded and there's pretty much $10K in product damages and other shit. It's a huge mess and most of the next few days will be spent wading through the lake that is my store and trying to salvage it.

I'm tentatively going to call it until next Sunday, the 21st and take it from there. I'll probably still tag relevant posts / do my backtags, I'm just short on time and therefore will be slow. I'm gonna try to hit up the 4th wall stuff and do my own posts if it's at all possible, but I can't make any promises until I assess the damage myself...


Izaya Orihara | [info]parkours
Mitsuru Kirijo | [info]srsbsnss
Roronoa Zoro | [info]mapquestplz
Yosuke Hanamura | [info]woobied
