Computer bye-bye
26 January 2011 at 10:48 am
I'm selling both of my computers, so until I move into my fancy new place and the internet is set up by the cable guy (which could take 5-17 days according to Comcast :P) I'll be on hiatus! Or the slow one? I can kind of still tag at work if I want.. but I shouldn't..
26 January 2011 at 07:42 pm
Ugh, that lasted ages. But hey, I'm back!


No one remembers me?


Fair enough. That's probably what happens when you go on hiatus a week after you join a game. XD But whatever, I'm excited to be able to play again regardless!
Slowatus Take 2: This time on the right comm!
26 January 2011 at 09:15 pm
Dean Winchester
Most of you have probably noticed I've been doing one tag a day on all my threads for the last week give or take. Sorry! That's why I'm making it official and declaring a slowatus for the next two weeks, -ish. Hopefully, I'll be out of this funk by the 7th. So, unless it's something plot-centric or something you'd like one of my characters to get involved in, I'll probably be sitting most things out unless I get a sudden burst of inspiration for tagging.

Affects: Jennifer ([info]feelmylove), Hei/Li ([info]bottomless_pit, Greed/Ling ([info]prince_avarice), Diva ([info]indigo_aria), Dean ([info]eyeofthetiger), and Fou ([info]notimeforidiots).