14 October 2010 at 09:50 pm
All right guys. Looks like Setsuna is dropping from my list of characters. There's a lot of reviewing that needs to be done on him and rather than squat I'll go ahead and take him off the list. If he's still open by the time I am done reviewing I'll reapp him, and if he's not - well, good luck to the new player. I only decide to drop simply because my school work means it could take me months to get through watching the series. And since I work during my breaks, well, it's still kind of hard. It just seems a better decision to take him out entirely rather than squat on him.

As I said, if he's still open by the time I am finished, then hopefully I will come back with him. If not, then that's life (sad as it will make me).

So remove [info]apples_for_exia from your friends list. THIS DOES NOT EFFECT ASHURA.

And now that you know about the drop -

I will be gone and unavailable this Friday afternoon/night and most of Saturday. I am going out of town for a tennis tournament :) I will be back on Sunday, so if you are tagging with me and don't hear anything for a few days, that's why.
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