13 October 2010 at 03:03 pm
Alma Karma
Did I ever leave? Seriously, I fail at whatever-atuses. And I miss you guys too much when I'm away. But now I'm officially back so expect characters that I actually DID leave alone to show up. I'll be slower than my normal tagging speed until next week though. plans this weekend

And I'll be backtagging through last week, if you guys don't mind? So anyone who doesn't mind me backtagging on any of their posts, please let me know.

Also, if you have a post you want one of my kids to hit up, do let me know because those will be my first stops.

Returning with:
Alma Karma ❀ [info]theyuuinsideme | Uchiha Itachi ❂ [info]antifratricide
Johnny Rayflo ☀ [info]handoffmycherry | Josak Gurriere ❣ [info]miss_biceps
Miranda Lotto ✵ [info]neverenoughtime | Soubi Agatsuma ❇ [info]hurt_me_ritsuka
Yasutora "Chad" Sado ☯ [info]ambidextro
I fail at life.
13 October 2010 at 07:45 pm
Ok, so somehow in my struggle to multitask homework with fun I managed to delete the post I had up on Tamaki's journal where I had people list characters that might be interested in joining the Host Club. Now I can't remember who I talked to and what I said, so I'm going to need every one who said they wanted their kids to be apart of it to comment again if they're still interested. And also anyone else who wants their characters to be apart of it. Post is here!