26 July 2010 at 01:17 am
Just a quick notice for everyone that you may not need for a while, but I felt like sharing now.

Fuuma now has a permissions meme! Since the restraint will be coming off, and he will be getting some of his powers back, he can start learning character's wishes.

Again, I doubt anyone will need this for a while yet, but please take a look at it when you have time. It is important for getting the full experience of being harassed by Fuuma. Thanks!

Also! Some editing has been put on the post, so please double check it. I wrote it at like two in the morning, so it might have been a bit confusing... Sorry about that.
Just in case, about the event?
26 July 2010 at 09:36 pm
Lelouch vi Britannia
I'm not sure if there's some OOC confusion as well, but very little of the IC confusion seems to have anyone recognizing it, so before we get any further: it's 6AM, the same time the daypost always goes up. Despite the fact that the dome still looks like the middle of the night, Monday is still and always will be 6AM-9AM, and your communicators and clocks will still tell you that that is what time it is.

The info post is referring to the dome's appearance, not to chronological time. That is why Wednesday is dawn, and then Thursday is the middle of the night again. Time is not going backwards. It only refers to what the dome looks like.

If anyone was confused, I hope that helped.