Weekend slowatus?!
01 July 2010 at 02:55 am
Allen Walker
Okay. Due to a combination of factors (including playing DeSu, my main laptop dying and my replacement being several days away, upcoming app period and activity check, the fact that two of my springkink prompts are due on Friday and I only just started them) -- I'm going to be slowatus-ing until probably Monday or Tuesday.

May affect Lelouch, Gino, Roxas, Orihime, and Allen to varying degrees. I'm going to try to get to Gino's tags, but waaaay more people tagged his post than I was expecting, so I may not get to all of you unless I have time, or may drop a little [more than usual sob].

Let me know here if you need me to finish something / if I dropped something / if you have questions / whatever.
...not that I want to do this.
01 July 2010 at 11:36 am
Zero Kiryuu
I'm really not sure what is going to happen in the next couple of weeks. A lot of stress and strain IRL is hitting me full force. With this is coming a lot of changes and things that will take priority over "happy fun times".

I am going to attempt to only do a slowatus to start, because RP tends to be a stress relief for me. Realistically speaking, this could quickly turn into a total hiatus if things take a turn for the worst. So if I disappear completely, this is why.

This is, of course, only for Zero Kiryuu [info]notamasochist
01 July 2010 at 01:41 pm
Bookman Junior (Lavi)
I'm going on vacation tomorrow! Yay! *soexcited* Vacation locale has poor phone/internet service, so I'll be pretty much out of touch until sometime on Monday. I might be able to check email occasionally, but chances of being able to tag are low. (And anyway, I may be too busy sitting out in the sun reading and drinking beer and swimming and watching my friends' dog jump into the lake over and over and over. 8D)

Assume Lavi is helping Jun with his books, C.C. is laying low, Chuck is making paintball plans (which he will post about "tomorrow") and Kamui is being his cat lady self. <o
Mood: excited
[ Activity : June ]
01 July 2010 at 04:37 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
[Activity : June]

1. Activity check!
Comment here with one of these filled out for every character you play. All characters must respond, unless you are on full hiatus until the 7th.

Use your character's community tag to find their activity for June and summarize it. Untagged activity does not count toward your activity check.

Be detailed! "Deire mostly just hung around" is not detailed. But don't be tl;dr! The purpose of the summary is to remind people what your character has been up to, so that any thoughts about your characterization will come back to them. It defeats the point if it's too long to read, or too short to jog memories.

You'll have one full week to comment, until the 7th. Repeating: All characters who were in the game in June must do this, unless you are currently on total hiatus. If your character has only been active for one week, you need to post for that character. If you are on slowatus, you need to post for your characters. If you are on hiatus with character A but still active with character B, you need to post for character A and character B. Only a total hiatus for the duration of the HMD gets you out of the HMD.

2. How's my driving?
Respond to other people's comments! Tell them if you think their characterization is right, wrong, just slightly off the mark; tell them if you think their character is so X Y and Z that you've decided to read/watch/play their canon; tell them if you think they as a player need to work on something, IC or OOC. You don't have to know someone's canon to give them valuable feedback.

Everyone is required to be open to concrit to play here! Please speak to the player in question before you decide that they're not open to crit. It helps us, the mods, if we can see what's going on so we can put a stop to players shutting down concrit.

3. Enjoy!
New kids will be incoming on Monday!
hopping on the bandwagon...
01 July 2010 at 05:49 pm
Nunnally vi Britannia
Not my choice, but I'm going to have to take a hiatus starting tomorrow until Tuesday. I'm getting dragged up to Colorado for outsdoorsy stuff, but I will try my hardest not to hurt myself further (as some of you are aware, I really, really fail at this kind of thing). Threads will be picked up again as soon as I get access to a computer, though if I actually have reception where we're going, this may evolve into a major slowatus.

Don't have too much fun while I'm gone~ :P