Extended hiatus
20 April 2010 at 12:29 am
Hello everyone.

I had hoped to be back in Marina posting and tagging yesterday, but things did not quite go as planned over the last week.

I haven't been under that much stress in over 4 years now and the stress combined with everything else ended up pushing me over the edge a bit. I'm currently too strained mentally and physically to be able to come back and role play properly.

As a result, I need to extend my hiatus up until the end of April (April 30th). The extension should give me enough time to get better and get back into things.

I apologize to everyone for having started Sayori and barely gotten into things with her before having to go on such a long hiatus.

Continued god-modding rights go to the VK cast.

Hope to see everyone soon!
Aiko (Sayori's mun)
TL;DR: partial hiatus!
20 April 2010 at 01:15 am
Suzaku Kururugi
This has been a while in coming; EVERYONE who's been tagging me has noticed. D: The incredible slowness, the dropped threads...! It's school, it really is, and it won't be slowing down for the rest of the month, but anyway.

I'm not disappearing, because what I want to do here is work on my activity and get it back up to par. So instead, I'll be doing a partial hiatus. Gin and Kanda will be absent for the next little bit, and I'll work on doing tags with Suzaku and Buffy.

My kids aren't actually going anywhere, so the DGM cast can vaguely handwave Kanda. (Like he says things in meetings anyway! Ahahaha, I am humorous.) If it's okay with you, Yaywon, I like the idea that Gin has spent at least one of his "missing" afternoons having a tea party with Road. (BB, Raisa, on this note Road has expressed an interest in playing with Gin's "friends"; if either of you are up for some sort of Evil Log when I bring Gin back~....)

ANYWAY. Hopefully this will let me focus my energies and actually get things done. I've still got finals coming up, but that just means I need the stress relief more than ever. So. ♥

Let the, err, games begin...?

eta, because I am such a moron: AND THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING. ;;;;;; Best birthday ever.
20 April 2010 at 11:40 am
This is more of a warning/PSA than an actual slowatus/hiatus notice.

From now on, April and May will be hectic months for me due to a flippin' crazy amount of RL events and college finals.

I'll try my best to stay as active as possible, but since I'm going to undergo crazy amounts of stress and hysteria, coupled with absolute lack of sleep and crappy health, it might take me days to reply to tags and such. I'm not going on hiatus because I believe I can handle it, but I'm definitely going to be slow with tags.

I-I apologize in advance for th slowness ;A;

This affects:
- Wolfram || [info]burningpride
- Momiji || [info]lil_sunnybunny

My contact info can be found at [info]burningpride's journal in case you need some urgent tagging.
20 April 2010 at 05:54 pm
Road Kamelot ♪ Lady ♪ Noah
Ehehe, I'm not sure whether anyone's noticed or not (well actually I am), but I've been lagging in the tag-backs. I haven't really been tagging everyone in their new posts either. WHY? WHAT IS THIS TRAVESTYYYY

Well, it's the Month of April/May! And the Ninjawon must skip on back to her bamboo hut of a house and study for all her AP exams that are coming up. That and low grades last marking period means I have to work doubly hard this one.

So, proclaiming slowatus! I will definitely make Tsukasa's log and the log with Lockon and Lacus and the log with Soubi and the log with Spike (lolwhat) my top priorities (the one with Ami is second because Whisp is on a slowatus of her own)- I'll try to continue whatever defense force shenanigans that might happen, but other than that 8|||....Just a heads up kind of thing!


Road Kamelot [info]impaledcandles 
Anya Alstreim [info]screenedmemory 
Minako Aino [info]dutiful_love 
Ioryogi [info]angrybluething 
Faith Lehane [info]five_byfive 
Sakura Kinomoto [info]sakurangel 
20 April 2010 at 08:43 pm
So... I have really lost inspiration for Kaguya. I think I'm going to have to drop her. ):

It has been fun! And I hope to return in the next app period with a new character (Rock Lee from Naruto), so I hopefully won't be disappearing for too long.

I ♥ you all.