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[17 Sep 2009|01:39pm]
WHO: Lily Evans and James Potter.
WHERE: Head dormitory, through the relatively small common room and out the entrance.
WHEN: Dinner time! September 17, 1978.
WHAT: James falls asleep doing homework and awakens around dinner time. Lily runs into him on the way to dinner only to find out she's all hot and bothered. As usual.
RATING: PG-13, only because James will secretly stop at nothing to find out what's the matter with Lily.

From days on end in the summer, James had always contemplated what it was about him that made him such a monstrous git at times. He figured it was probably the negative influence Sirius always had on him. And it probably was, what with all the michief they had caused over the years as well as the evil ideas he'd always end up planting in James' head. Then again, everytime he had confronted Sirius about this he would always tell him to stop listening to Remus' hysterical antics. This was something James had to learn to mediate. There was always going to be a time for fun and games, but just not during every waking minute of each gut-wrenching day. Simultaneously, this had to be the beginning of a new chapter in his life, whether or not he entirely encouraged it. )
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