Marathons Etc.

July 4th, 2008

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Marathons Etc.


July 4th, 2008

LOTR - Holiday Extravaganza

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thanks to [info]rebeccama for the gorgeous banner!


I hope to see you all here at least once this weekend.

Discuss anything you like...from the fantastic narrative opening to Frodo and Gandolf sailing off to Valinor and everything in between.

I'm open to discussing any CHARACTERS: elves, hobbits, orcs, wizards, kings, men, dwarfs, ents, uruk-hai, the ring, gollum, or Sauron. (Did I miss any?)

PLACES: The Shire, Rivendell, Rohan, the Dead Marshes, Gondor, Isengard, Mordor, Bree, the Misty Mountains, Lothlorien...what did I miss?

THEMES: good v. evil, friendship, loyalty, love,

OR just come and squeeeee with me over all the pretty. ;)
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