Many Cases, One Truth - July 27th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 27th, 2008

Fic: Conjour's Masqurade (7/?) [Jul. 27th, 2008|01:42 pm]
[Current Mood | bitchy]
[Current Music |The Today Show]

Knew I forgot somewhere...

Note: If you haven't read the story (or it's predecessors, there are links in the main notes section to all).

Story Information:

Title: Conjour's Masquerade
Authour: Saitaina
Rating: R (chapter)/NC-17 (full story)
Characters: Kuroba Kaito, Hakuba Saguru, Koizumi Akako, Edogowa Conan/Kudo Shinichi, Kuroba Mika (Kaito's Mother), Jii, Nakamori Aoko, Nakamori Ginzo, Edward St. Claire, Pierre Lemont, Ask, Eva, Pan, Kuma, Honua, Bohdona, Edogowa Kiden.
Pairings: Kuroba Kaito/Hakuba Saguru, Edogowa Conan/Koizumi Akako, Kuroba Mika/Jii, Nakamori Aoko/Pierre Lemont, Kuroba Kaito/Edogowa Kiden/Hakuba Saguru, Eden/Ask, Eva/Pan, Kuma/Honua, Nakamori Ginzo/Nakamori Maria,
Summary: It's been seven years, since the death of Kaitou Kid, but there is still one thing out there, Kaito and Kiden left un-finished.
WARNINGS: Sex, death, illness, MAGIC, blood/gore, slight religious lunch content later.
Previous Stories: Magician's Waltz, Ilusionist's Ball.
Previous Chapters: Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter V, Chapter VII.

Chapter Information:

Title: Silent Alter of a Nameless God
Summary: It's finally time for the heist, but just who is it behind the mask?
Notes: Remember what I said at the end of the last chapter? Yeah, you can forget it right

Chapter Seven: Silent Alter of a Nameless God )
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