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[05 Jan 2012|02:57pm]
Hello. I plan on bringing in Lily Collins (Nicole Ross). She's a twenty four year old human who was born and raised in Manhattan,NY. She moved to Boston when she was eighteen and going to college. I have her working as a bartender. I'm not looking for any specific lines, so I'd love to brainstorm. Reach me @ once bitten nic on AIM if you'd like to discuss a few ideas.

[05 Jan 2012|11:09pm]
some of you might know who she is from my first intro and some of you might not, but this here is hime(he-may/meh) nozaki (her birth name is momiji, but her adopted name is that of a normal human and still goes by it today). she is about 350 years old and will be 351 years old sometimes this year, she only celebrates her birthday every hundred years, and seems to think she is wise and all knowings since she has been around for hundreds of years, though little does she realize she's still quite childish and "young" according to her own demon species/race. she's got a youthful look, looking to be about in her early twenties and is often only thought to be just some idiot girl, but don't let her appearance fool you, she's quite devilish once her gears get cranking and can catch feelings, hurt people (so long as it's not with a human object; guns, knives, bombs, etc), manipulate dreams and see and look into minds. she is considered to be both a curse and a blessing demon in her native japan, hates humans but has helped out a select few in the past, loves fashion and modeling, has a sweet tooth for chocolates and cakes and would never admit to it but she is really just a big sweety under all of her 'holier-than-thou' attitude. so! the only specific line i'm looking for is the vampire she has been close to for nearly 200+ years, maybe an ex or two (f or m), friends, enemies, people she annoys, people who annoy her and everything and anything else! leave me a comment here or you can contact me on aim at himeandthejets

[ viewing | January 5th, 2012 ]
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