Apr. 1st, 2009


Fic: It's Just A Sweet Fantasy 1/1 Mag 7/WAT

Title: It's Just A Sweet Fantasy
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or Without A Trace.
Characters: Chris, Vin/Martin, Danny, Jack, Vivian, Buck, JD, Ezra, Mary.
Prompts: [info]rounds_of_kink Day Off From Work, Hating Undercover Assignment.
Words: 23,261
Sequel to: Hide And Seek
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/Without A Trace
Pairing: Martin/Danny, Chris/Martin.
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Angst, Language, Sexual Content, Violence, Ensemble.
Summary: At a conference in New York City, Chris goes missing. His disappearance dredges up old memories and an old case thought long solved.
Author's Note: Fall - 2002. Thank you to [info]huntersglenn for the inspiration.
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Mar. 19th, 2009


Fic: Hide And Seek 10/10 Xover Mag 7/WAT

Title: Hide And Seek
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or Without A Trace.
Characters: Chris, Mary, Martin, Danny.
Words: 1136
Sequel to: Before, During, And After.
Spoilers: Without A Trace: Pilot.
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/Without A Trace
Pairing: Martin/Danny.
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Angst, Language, Sexual Content.
Summary: Chris is going places.
Author's Note: Fall - 2002.
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Mar. 18th, 2009


Fic: Before, During, And After 9/10 Xover Mag 7/WAT

Title: Before, During, And After.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or Without A Trace.
Characters: Martin, Jack, Danny.
Words: 1052
Sequel to: Following Along The Way.
Spoilers: Without A Trace: Pilot.
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/Without A Trace
Pairing: None
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Angst, Language, Violence.
Summary: Martin's first day with the MPU in three scenes.
Author's Note: Spring - 2002.
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Mar. 17th, 2009


Fic: Following Along The Way 8/10 Xover Mag 7/WAT

Title: Following Along The Way
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or Without A Trace.
Characters: Chris, Buck, Ezra, Nettie, Mary
Words: 1470
Sequel To: This Time Too Far
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/Without A Trace
Pairing: None
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, Angst.
Summary: A series of conversations.
Author's Note: Summer - 2000.
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Mar. 16th, 2009


Fic: This Time Too Far 7/10 Xover Mag 7/WAT

Title: This Time Too Far
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or Without A Trace.
Characters: Martin, Ezra.
Words: 989
Sequel To: Coming Back To Now.
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/Without A Trace
Pairing: None.
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Angst, Language.
Summary: Martin makes a decision.
Author's Note: Summer - 2000.
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Mar. 15th, 2009


Fic: Coming Back To Now 6/10 Xover Mag 7/WAT

Title: Coming Back To Now
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or Without A Trace.
Characters: Chris, JD, Buck, Ezra.
Words: 1109
Sequel To: It's A Lonely Place
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/Without A Trace
Pairing: None.
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Angst, Language.
Summary: Chris finally wakes up from getting hit by the clue-by-four.
Author's Note: Summer - 2000.
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Mar. 14th, 2009


Fic: It's A Lonely Place 5/10 Xover Mag 7/WAT

Title: It's A Lonely Place
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or Without A Trace.
Characters: Chris, Buck.
Words: 1053
Sequel To: Listen To The Wind Blow
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/Without A Trace
Pairing: Chris/Vin mentioned.
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Angst.
Summary: Chris is losing himself to age.
Author's Note: Spring - 2000.
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Mar. 13th, 2009


Fic: Listen To The Wind Blow 1/1 Xover Mag 7/WAT

Title: Listen To The Wind Blow.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or Without A Trace.
Characters: Martin, Chris, Buck.
Words: 1143
Sequel To: Pissing Up A Rope
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/Without A Trace
Pairing: Chris/Vin mentioned.
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, Angst.
Summary: A special date has similar results.
Author's Note: Autumn - 1999
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Mar. 12th, 2009


Fic: Pissing Up A Rope 3/10 Xover Mag 7/WAT

Title: Pissing Up A Rope
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or Without A Trace.
Characters: Martin
Words: 956
Sequel to: Give Me These Moments
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/Without A Trace
Pairing: None
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Angst.
Summary: The road to madness is long and straight.
Author's Note: Autumn - 1999
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Mar. 11th, 2009


Fic: Give Me These Moments 2/10 Mag 7/WAT

Title: Give Me These Moments.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or Without A Trace.
Characters: Ezra, Nettie, Chris.
Words: 1211
Sequel To: From My Home
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/Without A Trace
Pairing: None.
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, Angst.
Summary: Ezra attends the funeral of a friend.
Author's Note: Autumn - 1999
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Mar. 10th, 2009


Fic: From My Home 1/10 The Magnificent 7/Without A Trace

Title: From My Home.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or Without A Trace.
Characters: Chris, Casey, Mary, Billy.
Words: 999
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/Without A Trace
Pairing: None.
Sequel To: Guess The World Didn't Stop.
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Angst.
Summary: Someone's birthday is celebrated at the ranch.
Author's Note: Summer - 1999
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Mar. 6th, 2009


Fic: Guess The World Didn't Stop 1/1 Magnificent 7/Without A Trace

Title: Guess The World Didn't Stop.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or Without A Trace.
Characters: Vin, Jack, Ezra, Chris, Mona Stanfield.
Words: 5930
Sequel To: 'Not The Type You Bring Home To Mom.'
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/Without A Trace
Pairing: Chris/Vin(Martin)
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Language, Angst.
Summary: Part of returning from a long undercover assignment is seeing a shrink. Martin is no different in that regard.
Author's Note: A series of therapy sessions and meetings between agents.
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Mar. 4th, 2009


Fic: Not The Type You Bring Home To Mom 1/1 Mag 7/WAT

Title: Not The Type You Bring Home To Mom.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or Without A Trace.
Characters: Vin, Chris, Nettie, Casey, JD, OCs.
Words: 6959
Universe: ATF - AU/X-over with WAT.
Prompt: Peja's - The Other Man/Woman Challenge.
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/Without A Trace
Pairing: Vin/Chris
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, Angst.
Summary: The last days of their relationship. Vin's been hiding more than just his feelings from Chris.
Author's Note: Circa 1999 - Vin is not a member of the Team.
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Feb. 4th, 2009


Fic: Freak Show 1/2 Magnificent Seven

Title: Freak Show
Author: Lopaka Tanu (lopaka_tanu@yahoo.com)
Disclaimer: I do not own Magnificent Seven.
Characters: Ensemble
Words: 14,285
Prompt: Supernatural (Powers)
Fandom: Magnificent Seven
Pairing: JD/Vin - Nathan/Rain
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Language, Het (trans gender), Gender Bender, Slash, Religious Themes.
Summary: Welcome to Mr. Travis' Magnificent Traveling Carnival of Oddities.
Author's Note: Circa 1930s, Magnificent Oddities AU - Open.
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Jan. 21st, 2009


Fic: False Dawn 1/1 Magnificent Seven/StarTrek: DS9 Fusion

Title: False Dawn
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Magnificent Seven or Deep Space 9.
Characters: Ensemble
Words: 8305
Prompt: Crossover/AU - April Challenge
Fandom: Magnificent Seven/Deep Space 9
Pairing: Chris/Buck, Vin/Ezra, mentioned Chris/(Jadzia Buck)
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Language, Violence,
Summary: Six days ago, life for several people at Four Corners Station came to an end. Today, all that changes.
Author's Note: Buck's a Symbiot, and that's only the beginning.
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May 2011




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