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Dark Nocturne Storylines

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[12 Aug 2009|12:42am]
Hi guys! I’m Aimee, and this is Jordan Chang. But please call her JC…or any other nicknames you want to come up with. Lol. She’s a 214 year old vampire, living in a crappy apartment and is working as a bartender. Her personality is in her journal, but to some it up, her first impression is BITCH. She has a look that makes it seem like she hates you. But in reality, she’s actually a nice girl. Maybe a bit sarcastic, and a little rough around the edges, but she’s a nice girl. She was born in a low class family, was taken in by a vampire and turned, lived in a middle class, and now she’s back into lower class. Hence: crappy apartment.

Some line ideas I had in mind are maybe some regulars? Typical bartender and customer kinds of relationships would be awesome. A roommate maybe also? Gender doesn’t matter. Someone who doesn’t mind living with a vampire OR maybe is a vampire themselves. A best friend. Gender doesn’t matter either. The only person JC truly trusts. Also some coworkers would be awesome. AAAAAAND anything else you can throw at me! I’m an open book right now! =)

EDIT: It's a bitch to upload icons on a lap top with no mouse. Just saying.

EDIT EDIT: PLEASE don't let the conversation here scare you away! ! !
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S'up, my ho's? We need five more apps to open. So I made this. [12 Aug 2009|01:35am]

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[12 Aug 2009|05:02pm]
Hello everyone! This is Leigh, Regan's eighteen-year-old sister who is rather obsessed with vampires. She is in need of a lot of things at the moment and I don't have much in my head for her right now since I'd like to talk with Regan's mun about a few things, but once I've got more information about her, I'll let everyone know.
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[12 Aug 2009|09:47pm]
Hello there.
This lovely creature is Zero Winmore and hes 25 years old. He is a modern vampire and often considers himself to be 'it and a bit' so to speak. He's loud, has lots of ego and flare, an out-there personality but isn't annoying and happy-go-lucky and not much can dampen his spirits. He loves to be 'out there' and living life as if his last day were tomorrow. He's currently looking for other Modern Vampires to share in his reckless and fun ways. He's also Bisexual as far as sexuality goes, and hes the kind of kid that isn't affraid of much but is young and stupid to an extent. This boy currently lives in the Bronx in NYC :] and basically I would be interested in any kind of SL anyone needs him for. Whether someone needs a brother that ran away from home and he is now a vampire, or an enemy, a fling buddy between two races, whatever. I'm down and fairly easy as far as sls go.
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