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Thread: New Year's Eve at Three Broomsticks [31 Dec 2007|09:26am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]threebroomsrosy)

Characters: Open to ALL
Setting: Three Broomsticks; New Years Eve Party

Happy New Year! )
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Thank you notes [31 Dec 2007|09:36am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]properbones)

To Amos and Annalise )

To The Scrimgeours )

To Rosemerta )

To Enid )

To Millicent )

To Edgar and Sarah )

To Josh )
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[31 Dec 2007|11:28am]

Who: Elizabeth Marceau, Kevin Brocklehurst, the Brocklehurst family and other NPCs
When: New Year's Eve at night
Where: Starting from the Brocklehurst residence
What: Kevin takes Liz to a Muggle high society party for a date. Possible awkwardness on Liz's part around Muggle topics and things, and definite cuteness.
Rating: TBA
Note: Kaeli, we can breeze right through the meeting-family and the party scene if you want, so the log won't get too long.

Even having a bad impression on his family or having wine splashed all over her dress didn't seem so bad compared to the fact that she was on a date with one bloke when she was already seeing -someone one-. )
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Backdated thread; December 30th, 1976 [31 Dec 2007|04:31pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]bonesgirl)

Who: Sarah & Edgar Bones. And Matty, probably.
Where: Their home, Lower River Road, Dover, Kent.
When: Backdated to December 30th.
Rating: PG or PG13.
Summary: Edgar & Sarah paint the guestroom, which is to be the twins' nursery.

They'd finally cleared the guestroom... )
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