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[25 Dec 2007|06:22am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]luxmalus) Owled out early Christmas Morning - Andromeda Black | Narcissa Black | Regulus Black | Olivia Boswick | Alecto Carrow | Amycus Carrow | Elizabeth Marceau | Meghan McCormack | Belle de Montmorency | Amala Nehru | Severus Snape | All Slytherins | All Professors | Professor Slughorn )
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Christmas! [25 Dec 2007|12:35pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]all_starbright)

Owls sent out to: the Averys, the Bagmans, the BlacksĀ², the Campbells, the Carrows, the Crouches, the de Montmorencys, the Lestranges, the Longbottoms, the Marceaus, the Mulcibers, the Nehrus, the Prewetts, the Rookwoods, the Viridians, and the Yaxleys! )

Presents sent to individuals with their family's gift basket:

Present for Andromeda Black )

Present for Narcissa Black )

Present for Belle de Montmorency )

Belated Birthday Presents for Gideon and Fabian Prewett )
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Christmas Owls from Dorcas Meadowes [25 Dec 2007|04:31pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]fabiansdork)

Owl to Fabian Prewett )

Owl to Amala Nehru )

Owl to Emmeline Vance )

Owl to Matilda Dukelow )

Owl to Augustus Rookwood )

Owl to all Ravenclaws, Gryffindors and anyone else who out of those Houses who would love them )
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Christmas Owls from Elizabeth Marceau [25 Dec 2007|06:27pm]

Owls from the Marceaus to the Blacks, Buchanans, Carrows, Malfoys, McKinnons, de Montmorencys, Nehrus, Rookwoods, other upper-class families, and higher-ups in the British Ministry )

Owl to Marlene McKinnon )

Owl to Christine Buchanan )

Owl to Belle de Montmorency )

Owl to Andromeda Black )

Owl to Aiden Avery )

Owl to Lucius Malfoy )

Owl to Kevin Brocklehurst )
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Christmas Owls from Deshan Patil [25 Dec 2007|06:34pm]

Owl to Amala Nehru )

Owl to Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Frank Longbottom and Stubby Boardman )

Owl to all Gryffindor Quidditch teammates )
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[25 Dec 2007|07:12pm]

Owl to Matty Dukelow )</font>

Owl to Shannon Ryskamp )</font>

Owls to Benjy Fenwick, Peadar MacDougal, Eldred Worple and Landon Aubrey )

Owls to all remaining Ravenclaw quidditch players )
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Christmas Gifts [25 Dec 2007|08:52pm]
[ mood | merry ]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]feefiefoe)

For HannahJo )


For all the Boardmans )


For Danger -- Left by the foot of his bed this morning )


For any and all Hufflepuffs, Quidditch players, and anyone else who is nice to Fee )

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Christmas Owls [25 Dec 2007|09:19pm]
[ mood | festive ]


To 6RG )


To Shannon )


To Elaine )


To Theresa )


To Severus Snape )

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