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RP Log: Flora and Ro Skating [19 Dec 2007|08:34pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]adventurefiend)

Who: Florence Anweller and Roland Williamson
Where: Great Hall ice skating rink
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Rating: Very G

Summary: Florence tries to teach Roland how to skate. Much falling and cuteness ensues.

I think we might need hot chocolate to celebrate this )
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RP Log: Sibiling bonding time [19 Dec 2007|10:02pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]stubbedmyboard)

Who: Stubby and HannahJo Boardman
Where: Choir room
When: Afternoon
Rating: G
Summary: After all that's been happening over the past few days, HannahJo seeks out her older brother.

You have so much love to share. Your love can end all that hate. )
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[ viewing | December 19th, 2007 ]
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