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RP Log: Amos/Annalise [17 Dec 2007|12:14am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]diggorydock)

Characters: Amos and Annalise Diggory
Setting: Sunday, Diggory household
Summary: Annalise is particular about the Christmas tree. Amos is... well, Amos.
Rating: PG13 for some innuendo

'Now you'd better kiss me or I'll cry.' )
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Locked RP Thread [17 Dec 2007|10:06pm]
[ mood | awake ]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]feefiefoe)

Who: Fee and Danger
When: Saturday night, late
Where: Gryffindor Commons
What: What's a huge slumber party without late night whisperings? Fee can't sleep and she hopes that Danger can't either.
Rating: A for Adorable
Status: Incomplete

It hadn't quite been the 'silent night' Fee had expected... )

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