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RP Thread: Landon & Flo [12 Dec 2007|02:50pm]

Characters: Landon Aubrey and Florence Anweller
When: Late afternoon
Where: An upper floor, near a window
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

Summary: Flo wonders why Landon isn't a Young Arithmancer. Conversation ensues.

Instead he holled up by one of his favourite windows, where he could see some second years having a snowball fight, while some thirds built a snow-woman with very large breasts. )
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[12 Dec 2007|04:37pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]healingshan)

Package left for Theresa Yaxley on her bed )
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[12 Dec 2007|07:22pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]liondrops)

who → HannahJo and Aiden
what → a suit of armor, a fed up HannahJo, a burial, conversations about evil, a snowfight, an invitation.
when → 12 December, after Herbology, before dinner.
where → somewhere in the castle, then the greenhouses, then outside
warnings → nothing. it's fluffy. :)
status → complete (logged)
See what happens when you mess with me and MY BLOODY HAPPINESS? )
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RP Thread: Lily & James [12 Dec 2007|08:08pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]lilymarie)

Characters: Lily Evans and James Potter
Setting: Evening of 12 December, 1976, just outside of the Great Hall
Summary: Lily is on her way to dinner and is stopped by the mistletoe...with James?
Rating: TBA

Descending the stairs toward the Great Hall, Lily heard her stomach growl loudly. )
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RP Thread: Amala & Deshan [12 Dec 2007|10:34pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]amalashope)

Characters: Amala Nehru and Deshan Patil
Setting: Afternoon of 12 December in the corridor
Summary: Amala "accidentally" forced Deshan to get stuck under the mistletoe with her.
Rating: TBD
Note: This is a rather public kiss! XD Feel free to have one of your characters react in the journals or whatever.

She had a feeling that her amusement at their expense probably wasn't the best thing in the world, but she really couldn't help it. )
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RP Thread: Sirius & Alice [12 Dec 2007|10:37pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]insidiousgrim)

Characters: Sirius & Alice
Setting: Outside
Summary: Snowball fight and one on one friend time
Rating: It'd likely be fluffy G if it weren't for the fact that Sirius tends to swear... a lot.

Eat my snow )
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RP Thread: Olivia & Remus [12 Dec 2007|10:52pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]_prevaricating)

Characters: Olivia & Remus (+Witnesses?)
Setting: Hallway
Summary: Mistletoe..

GAG, she had to kiss HIM? )
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[ viewing | December 12th, 2007 ]
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