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[09 Dec 2007|04:55pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]styleandpoise)

Characters: Lucius Malfoy and Belle de Montmorency with Narcissa Black and Killian Mulciber if they wish to pipe in!
Setting: Hogsmeade - Directly after the Party/Dinner/Date thing!
Summary: Lucius and Belle fight!
Rating: PG-13

'I'm rather disappointed in how commonly you've behaved in this matter.' )
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[09 Dec 2007|05:18pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]deoppressoliber)

Subject: "A Long Trip Alone...Sort Of (Second in a Series)"
Characters: Dedalus A. Diggle and OPEN
Setting: 1900 Hours, Upper Courtyard
Summary: "So maybe you could walk with me a while...'cause its a long trip alone."
OR: Danger is 0-3 in Quidditch, and lost nearly the last of his Fall Cash. He's sore, tired, and doesn't feel like being in the common room. Possible Soul Bearing Ensues.
Rating: TV-14 (L,D), for Probable Coarse Language and Adult Themes

Yes, it is, in fact, a long trip alone. )
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RP Log: Landon & Stubby [09 Dec 2007|10:50pm]

Characters: Landon Aubrey and Stubby Boardman
Where: Outside of the Three Broomsticks
When: Backdated to the date party
Rating: PG

Summary: Stubby and Landon find some common ground: muzak and smokin'.

What, no flowers? )
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