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[06 Dec 2007|12:17pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]healingshan)

Note for Elaine Campbell )
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NPCing Barry Ryan... [06 Dec 2007|05:13pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]madworldnpc)

Warded to James Potter, Landon Aubrey, Evan Rosier, Deshan Patil, Alice Parker, & Clare Breckenridge
There is a meeting for all members of our team tonight, directly after dinner. We will leave the Great Hall and find a place secluded We cannot practise but we can plan our strategy. We need to know our plan of attack, and capitalize on the weaknesses of other teams. I didn't pick you lot to lose, after all.

Also, come with name ideas, colour ideas, and mascot ideas. Make it memorable, so when the exhibition games are complete they will still remember us. Might as well have a bit of style.

Your Captain, Barry Ryan.

If you think you can get out of the meeting, think again. I will send a House Elf to escort you to the meeting area if you attempt to skip out.
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[06 Dec 2007|10:34pm]

WHO: Aiden Lynch and OPEN
WHEN: After classes, before dinner
WHAT: He gets stuck under mistletoe (OH NO!)
WHERE: Hallway

He was just walking along )
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[ viewing | December 6th, 2007 ]
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