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Owl to James [01 Dec 2007|10:05am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]madworldnpc)

Owl to James Potter from Susanna Potter )
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Owl to Shannon [01 Dec 2007|01:03pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]healingshan)

Owl for Miss Shannon Ryskamp From Patricia and Riley Ryskamp )
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[01 Dec 2007|06:20pm]

Characters: James Potter and Sirius Black.
Setting: Gryffindor sixth year boys' dormitory, Saturday afternoon.
Summary: James just received his letter from home about the proposed betrothal and he's pretty upset. Who better to fix that than Sirius?
Rating: Most likely PG-13.

James may have been pureblood, but he definitely did not know how to deal with these wonky pureblood problems. )
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[ viewing | December 1st, 2007 ]
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