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Anonymous owl sent to Edgar Bones [07 Nov 2007|12:09am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]portionforfoxes)

Anonymous owl sent to Edgar Bones; )
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Howler sent to Enid Longbottom [07 Nov 2007|09:34am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]madworldnpc)

Howler sent to Enid Longbottom during Breakfast )
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Owl to Mrs. Longbottom [07 Nov 2007|11:20am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]deceitfulaugust)

Owl to Mrs. Longbottom )
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Package left for Miss Beverly Ann Malkin on her bed [07 Nov 2007|04:02pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]healingshan)

Package left for Miss Beverly Ann Malkin on her bed )
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Lily & James: Backdated [07 Nov 2007|09:19pm]
11-07-2007 RP: James Potter and Lily Evans

Characters: James Potter and Lily Evans.
Setting: The Great hall at the Masquerade Ball.
Summary: James and Lily meet up after the charm wears off.

Childish? Very, but he was James Potter. )
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Aiden Lynch and HannahJo [07 Nov 2007|10:02pm]
11-07-2007 RP: Aiden Lynch and HannahJo Boardman

WHO: Aiden Lynch and HannahJo
WHEN: Sometime
WHAT: Aiden's going to try cheer her up. Plus ickle 4thies are cuties
WHERE: I'm sure the Gryffindor Common Room

He thought something was wrong )
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Fee & Danger [07 Nov 2007|10:22pm]
11-07-2007 RP: Fierra Moran and Dedalus Diggle

Who: Fee and Danger
Where: Same courtyard as always
When: Evening, 6 November, shortly before curfew.
What: Fee has a bit of a gift to give her knight in shining armor good friend.
Rating: A for Adorable! (that is: rather low, as they've only just moved from talking awkwardly to sort of cuddling sometimes...though may go to medium should either of them discover fun language)
Status: Complete!

This was either the most romantic or the stupidest thing Fee had ever done... )
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