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Thomas & Glenda [31 Oct 2007|01:20pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tatting) Characters: Thomas and Glenda
When: Saturday (BACKDATED)
Where: Three Broomsticks
Rating: G
Summary: Glenda and Tom go out to Hogsmeade to have butterbeer and Tom musters up the courage to ask Glenda to the ball.
Innocent animals had to die for this ease of communication, when it would have been just as simple to bind them in cloth and then place spells upon the journals to keep the covers from being ruined. )
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Masquerade [31 Oct 2007|08:54pm]
Characters: Open to All Students
Setting: The Great Hall
Summary: Masquerade

Read more... )
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Elizabeth & Kevin [31 Oct 2007|08:58pm]

WHO Elizabeth Marceau and Kevin Brocklehurst
WHEN Halloween night after 10 pm
WHERE Starting off in the Great Hall (in case they end up somewhere else)
WHAT Liz is harboring resentful feelings and the last person she wants to talk to ends up, well, talking to her

Apparently.. someone bumping into her from behind just as she reached out for a cup, that's what. )
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Roland & Marlene [31 Oct 2007|09:27pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]adventurefiend)

Who: Roland and OPEN TO ALL
Where: Masquerade Ball
When: After 10pm
Rating: TBD

Summary: Let's do the time warp again?

Why? Because Rocky Horror is playing )
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[ viewing | October 31st, 2007 ]
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