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RP Thread Christine and Kevin [27 Oct 2007|08:47pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]fashionsfuture)

Who: Kevin Brocklehurst and Christine Buchanan
Where: Hogsmeade
When: Saturday during the day
Rating: TBD but probably low
Summary: Kevin and Christine partake in the Hogsmeade weekend

Situations acquaint a man with strange bedfellows )
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RP Thread: Landon and Daisy (Complete!) [27 Oct 2007|08:48pm]

Characters: Daisy and Landon
When: Evening.
Where: Ravenclaw common room.
Rating: PG-13, for swearssssss

Summary: Daisy and Landon play chess!

He was nervous, and he was annoyed at himself for being so. )
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Bellatrix & Amelia [27 Oct 2007|11:01pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]portionforfoxes)

Who: Amelia and Bellatrix
Where: Hogsmeade.
When: Saturday afternoon.
What: Some shopping, I do suppose. Bella & the Boneses do not get along. And there will be hell to pay, Clerk!
Rating: G, kiddies.
Status: Finished.


Errands for the edifcation of oneself could drive almost anything from one's mind. )
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