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OWLS to Mr. & Mrs. Bones, Sarah Bones, and Joshua Bones [10 Oct 2007|05:38pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]properbones)

Owls to Bones family members )
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Persephone & Vindictus [10 Oct 2007|07:22pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]thethestral)

who → Persephone and Vindictus, and anyone else who'd care to help.
what → Persephone is really dizzy
when → Wednesday Evening
where → 3rd Floor Girls' Loo (to start)
warnings → Unlikely High
status → Incomplete

Poor Professor Pynchon had only good intentions when he put his Bunsen burners all away )
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RP Log: Amelia and Edgar [10 Oct 2007|07:23pm]

Who: Ed and Amelia
When: Afternoon, before dinner
Where: St. Mungo's
Rating: PG-13

Summary: Ed got hurt on the job, and Amelia is listed as his immediate contact.

Yeah. Probably not our finest hour there. )
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[ viewing | October 10th, 2007 ]
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