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Frank & Enid [28 Aug 2007|10:50am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]xxquitefrankxx)

Who: Frank and Enid
What: Brother/Sister bonding over hidden brooms
Where: Their house
When: Today
Warnings: None yet

Brooms hate Frank )
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More Owls! [28 Aug 2007|12:40pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]


Owl to Patrick and Regan Wood )

Owl to Amos and Annalise Diggory )

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Fralice! [28 Aug 2007|02:40pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]goaskalicee)

Who: Frank 'n' Alice
What: Impromptu meeting; Frank embarasses himself with his broom
Where: In a small clearing near the Longbottom residence
When: Backdated to this past Sunday.
Warnings: None. To be continued in thread :)

Do you realize there's a stick of wood attached to your leg, Sir? )
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RP Log/Thread: Amala & Deshan [Backdated] [28 Aug 2007|10:06pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]amalashope)

Characters: Amala Nehru and Deshan Patil
Setting: Night of the 25 August in Birmingham [BACKDATED]
Summary: Amala finally agrees to a date with Deshan and it actually goes well! However, he has more planned for her.
Rating: TBD

'I could have shown you the world, but you know, I don't think that would be enough for one night.' )
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[ viewing | August 28th, 2007 ]
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