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Meghan & Danger [24 Aug 2007|03:43am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]highland_keeper)

Who: Meghan McCormack and Danger Diggle
Where: The Leaky Cauldron, Room 5
When: Early morning, Thursday, 23 August
What: Danger shows up, and awkward talk about their summers ensue.
Rating: PG. Also be warned, this log is huge.

He came like a thief in the night. )
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Frank & Enid [24 Aug 2007|11:10am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]astepbehind_)

Package left on Frank's bed, late last night. )
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Shannon Ryskamp & Michael Corner [24 Aug 2007|03:30pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]healingshan)

WHO: Shannon Ryskamp & Michael Corner
WHAT: Shopping!
WHEN: BACKDATED Monday, August 20, 1976
WHERE: Where else to go back to school shopping but Diagon Alley?
RATING: Low I would image
STATUS: Incomplete

She'd gone out of her way )
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RP Thread: Ed & Open! [24 Aug 2007|08:22pm]

Who: Edgar, Fabian
When: Noonish, on Ed's lunch break
Where: Outside of Quality Quidditch Supplies
Rating: TBA

Summary: Ed's on his hour lunch and admiring quidditch things he doesn't need.

Not that that was or ever would be much of a problem, except when Matty decided he didn't want siblings and would interrupt (much to Mummy and Daddy's chagrin). )
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