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rp backlog - dorcas and fabian [13 Aug 2007|12:38am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]fabiansdork)

WHO Dorcas Meadowes and Fabian Prewett
WHEN BACKLOG // last year: October 4th, 1975
WHERE Quidditch pitch
WHAT A second date in which they go touch the clouds

Fabian was probably counting his chickens too soon, but Dorcas had told him she wanted to go on another walk with him. )
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RP Log: Lily & Severus [13 Aug 2007|01:05am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]lilymarie)

Characters: Lily Evans and Severus Snape
Setting: In an alcove of trees in their hometown of New Mills, England; 12 August, 1976
Summary: Lily and Severus talk for the first time all summer as she had been in France the majority of the time. They talk about OWLs, journals, toe-rags, and figure out that they're good with one another after a rocky end to their fifth year.
Rating: PG

'So long as it isn't when Sirius thinks he's going to be performing indecent exposure.' )
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Owls to Matilda Dukelow, Andromeda Black, Lynsey MacFusty, Alice Parker [13 Aug 2007|02:18pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]savethetrolls)

Owls to Matilda Dukelow, Andromeda Black and Lynsey MacFusty & Alice Parker )
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Owl to Matt Bell, Benjy Fenwick, Amala Nehru, Dorcas Meadowes [13 Aug 2007|03:45pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mattydukes)

Owl to Matt Bell, Benjy Fenwick, Amala Nehru, Dorcas Meadowes )
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Owl to Matty Dukelow & Matt Bell [13 Aug 2007|04:18pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]healingshan)

Owl to Matty Dukelow & Matt Bell: Enclosed a small sampling of little cakes )
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rp log - dorcas and amala [13 Aug 2007|06:33pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]fabiansdork)

WHO Dorcas Meadowes and Amala Nehru
WHEN Monday, afternoon of August 13th
WHERE Some random Quidditch pitch in London
WHAT The girls for a day out but it ends up taking a bad turn

Well, he should have been paying more attention to practicing than picking up girls! )
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RP THREAD: Benjy and Matty [13 Aug 2007|11:40pm]

WHO Benjy Fenwick and Matty Dukelow
WHEN Monday, early evening of August 13th
WHERE Cork, Ireland
WHAT Matty needs some company and Benjy was volunteered, so he goes.
Read more... )
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