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Nov. 11th, 2005


Fic: 'Nice To Know You, Goodbye' (Power Rangers SPD/Veronica Mars, Bridge/Duncan, PG, 1/1)

Title: Nice To Know You, Goodbye
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD/Veronica Mars crossover
Characters: Bridge Carson, Duncan Kane
Word Count: 2734
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Spoilers technically through "Katastrophe".
Challenge: Inspired by [info]spd_rangers's September challenge.
Warnings: References to slash.
Disclaimer: Bridge is property of BVS/Disney/whoever, and Duncan is property of Rob Thomas/UPN/whoever. Bridge's vague backstory was invented by me, and holds no relevance to any other universes I or anyone else may or may not have created.
Summary: A sequel to Bridge Over Troubled Water. Bridge finally tells his teammates about his clandestine relationship, and decides to leave SPD. Z has to finally confront what she's really feeling. Bridge/Duncan, Bridge/Z.

Nice To Know You, Goodbye )

Sep. 11th, 2005


Fic: 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' (Power Rangers SPD/Veronica Mars, Bridge/Duncan, PG, 1/1)

Title: Bridge Over Troubled Water
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD/Veronica Mars crossover
Characters: Bridge Carson, Duncan Kane
Word Count: 2303
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Veronica Mars season one; and I think "Beginnings", "A-Bridged", and "Samurai" of SPD.
Challenge: It all started with finding this picture on RB (I don't remember the source), and joking with [info]obsessivemuch about the resemblance to Teddy Dunn (though it's not him). Then we got into this whole thing about just how weird of a couple Bridge and Duncan would be.
Warnings: Slash? Nothing explicit, by any means, but you never know what people might find offensive. Also, there are mutants.
Disclaimer: Bridge is property of BVS/Disney/whoever, and Duncan is property of Rob Thomas/UPN/whoever. Bridge's vague backstory was invented by me, and holds no relevance to any other universes I or anyone else may or may not have created. The song "Bridge Over Troubled Water" belongs to Paul Simon, whom I am not.
Thanks: go to Sarah, for coming up with the delightfully punny title, making me appropriate icons, and pointing out that the lyrics to the title in question are weirdly appropriate (this came after the fact! This is not a songfic!!!).
Summary: Bridge had the feeling that if he ever touched Duncan, his head would explode.

Bridge Over Troubled Water )

Aug. 6th, 2005


Fic: 'Hollywood Ending' (Veronica Mars, gen, R, 1/1)

Title: Hollywood Ending
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Characters: ensemble
Word Count: 3403
Rating: R for language
Spoilers: Entire first season.
Summary: The true crime novel about the Lilly Kane case has just been released. And Veronica's plans to read it go astray when she receives an unexpected visitor.

Hollywood Ending )

Jun. 10th, 2005


Fic: 'Double Knotted (Too Tight)' (Veronica Mars, Logan/Duncan, R, 1/1)

Title: Double Knotted (Too Tight)
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Characters: Logan POV, with Logan/Duncan and references to L/V, L/L, D/V, D/L
Word Count: 813
Rating: R
Spoilers: Entire first season.
Warnings: Language, sexuality, m/m.
Summary: The sun is blazing, and not for the first time, Logan wonders what he's doing here.

Double Knotted )

May. 30th, 2005


Fic: 'She Is Not His Sister' (Veronica Mars, Duncan/Veronica, Duncan/Lilly, PG-13, 1/1)

Title: She Is Not His Sister
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Characters: Duncan
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Entire first season.
Warnings: References to Duncan/Veronica and Duncan/Lilly.
Summary: Duncan loves blondes.

She Is Not His Sister )

Apr. 23rd, 2005


Fic: 'Hallucinate and Tranquilize' (Veronica Mars, Logan/Veronica, PG-13, 1/1)

Title: Hallucinate and Tranquilize
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Characters: Logan, Veronica
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: 1x18, "Weapons of Class Destruction"
Warnings: Language.
Summary: Logan wonders how to fix things.

Hallucinate and Tranquilize )

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