January 31st, 2009

[info]madkrazyghetto in [info]madkrazyfic

Fic: 'Hell Hath No Fury Like a Girlfriend Scorned' (The Office, Karen/Pam, R, 1/1)

Title: Hell Hath No Fury Like a Girlfriend Scorned
Fandom: The Office
Characters: Karen/Pam
Word Count: 763
Rating: R
Spoilers: Takes place sometime in early season 4.
Challenge: Porn Battle VII: The Office (US), Karen/Pam, Manhattan
Warnings: Sexual content.
Disclaimer: No one mentioned belongs to me.
Summary: Pam had been living in New York for a month when it happened.

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Girlfriend Scorned )

[info]madkrazyghetto in [info]madkrazyfic

Fic: 'Nymph' (The Secret Garden, Dickon/Mary, R, 1/1)

Title: Nymph
Fandom: The Secret Garden
Characters: Dickon/Mary
Word Count: 1282
Rating: PG-13/R
Spoilers: The book.
Challenge: Porn Battle VII: The Secret Garden, Adult!Mary/Adult!Dickon, lilies
Warnings: Sexual content.
Disclaimer: No one mentioned belongs to me.
Summary: Mary finally returns to Misselthwaite, to find Dickon waiting for her.

Nymph )

[info]madkrazyghetto in [info]madkrazyfic

Fic: 'Mirage' (Stargate SG-1, Daniel/Sarah Gardner, PG-13, 1/1)

Title: Mirage
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Characters: Daniel/Sarah Gardner
Word Count: 446
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: N/A
Challenge: Porn Battle VII: Stargate SG-1, Daniel/Sarah Gardner, Egypt
Warnings: Sexual content.
Disclaimer: No one mentioned belongs to me.
Summary: It was positively broiling, even inside the tent.

Mirage )