January 28th, 2009

[info]madkrazyghetto in [info]madkrazyfic

Fic: 'get beside me, I want you to love me' (10 Things I Hate About You, Patrick/Kat, R, 1/1)

Title: get beside me, I want you to love me
Fandom: 10 Things I Hate About You
Characters: Patrick/Kat
Word Count: 1063
Rating: R
Spoilers: The film.
Challenge: Porn Battle VII: Ten Things I Hate About You, Patrick/Kat, paint
Warnings: Sexual content.
Disclaimer: No one mentioned belongs to me.
Summary: The night before Kat had to ship off to Sarah Lawrence, Patrick showed up at her doorstep.

get beside me, I want you to love me )

[info]madkrazyghetto in [info]madkrazyfic

Fic: 'Happy Endings' (Stargate SG-1, Cam/Vala, R, 1/1)

Title: Happy Endings
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Characters: Cam/Vala
Word Count: 588
Rating: R
Spoilers: N/A
Challenge: Porn Battle VII: Stargate SG-1, Cam/Vala, fairytales
Warnings: Sexual content.
Disclaimer: No one mentioned belongs to me.
Summary: There was a very girlish part of Vala Mal Doran that really liked princesses. Cameron suspected this had equal parts to do with untold power and pretty, shiny jewels.

Happy Endings )