February 8th, 2008

[info]madkrazyghetto in [info]madkrazyfic

Fic: 'Fathers, be good to your daughters' (Power Rangers SPD/Veronica Mars, gen, G, 1/1)

Title: Fathers, be good to your daughters
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD/Veronica Mars crossover
Characters: Lilly Kane-Carson, Duncan/Bridge
Word Count: 311
Rating: G
Spoilers: 2x11, 'Donut Run', although AU post-season 1
Challenge: Leap for Prompts (8/29): "Bridge Over Troubled Water" SPD/VM, Lilly
Disclaimer: Bridge is property of BVS/Disney/whoever, and Duncan is property of Rob Thomas/UPN/whoever. Bridge's vague backstory was invented by me, and holds no relevance to any other universes I or anyone else may or may not have created. The song "Bridge Over Troubled Water" belongs to Paul Simon, whom I am not.
Summary: This Lilly has what the original never dreamed of.

Fathers, be good to your daughters )