July 5th, 2006

[info]madkrazyghetto in [info]madkrazyfic

Fic: 'The Doctor and Phil's Bogus Journey' (Doctor Who/Phil of the Future, gen, PG, 1/6)

Title: The Doctor and Phil's Bogus Journey (1/6)
Fandom: Doctor Who 2005 / Phil of the Future
Characters: The Doctor (Nine), Phil Diffy, Keely Teslow, Rose Tyler
Word Count: 1849
Rating: PG
Spoilers: PotF - "Back to the Future" (with "Get Ready to Go-Go", "Christmas Break", "Happy NIRDay") ; Doctor Who - anything up to "The Empty Child". See first: The Doctor and Phil's Excellent Adventure.
Disclaimer: No one you recognize belongs to me.
Summary: Phil knew he didn't have much time. 'I'm looking for the Doctor,' he said urgently. 'Doctor, wherever you are, I need your help.' Phil Diffy is on his way back to 2005 when his time machine goes haywire. Now he's careening through time, and only one man can help him.

The Doctor and Phil's Bogus Journey )