April 12th, 2006

[info]madkrazyghetto in [info]madkrazyfic

Fic: 'The Doctor and Phil's Excellent Adventure' (Doctor Who/Phil of the Future, gen, G, 1/1)

Title: The Doctor and Phil's Excellent Adventure
Fandom: Doctor Who 2005 / Phil of the Future
Characters: Doctor (Nine), Phil Diffy, brief appearances by other cast members, references to Nine/Rose and Phil/Keely
Word Count: 5201
Rating: G
Spoilers: PotF general series, Doctor Who 1x03
Dedication: to [info]valmontgod.
Disclaimer: No one you recognize belongs to me.
Summary: The TARDIS picks up a distress signal that takes the Doctor to Pickford, CA, circa 2005, where he makes a new friend.

The Doctor and Phil's Excellent Adventure )