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Gangdom: OOC

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It's intro time. [06 Jul 2014|08:03pm]

HELLO, BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. I'm Chels, and I'm bringing in Robb Stark. I'm hecka nervous because I've never played around in the ASOIAFverse before, plowing through the books as fast as I can (oops) because I finally found time to drown in books again, plz bear with me etc. But I'm more pumped than I am nervous, so come at me bros and sisters and mamas and enemies and rivals and lovely kingdom-losers and basically all the people. I felt too shy to poke at people & didn't want to faux pas it before acceptance, but I would love to chat now. ♥

My AIM is ragnarocking out, I'm on CST, day job is acting as a behavior therapist for kids & adolescents with autism (meaning not a lot of weekday rp before evening rolls around), and I love OOC chatter. So let's do this thing, shall we?

[04 Jul 2014|11:07pm]

until further notice jaime will only be wearing this

you're welcome

don't let me online when i'm drunk guys

[05 Jul 2014|01:36am]

aw shit you done fucked up now its only tywin lannister up in this bitch

It's J, owner of Sandor Clegane and Roose Bolton, continuing my run of mothafuckin badasses with Tywin Lannister. Every single plot come my way, Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion, Arya, Oberyn, frickin everyone okay? okay.

HI! [04 Jul 2014|07:03pm]
Hey there you amazing people!

It took me a few days to get around to this because work =/ but here goes with my intro!

I'm El. I live in the UK and that means that I'm grappling with GMT and that sucks. But I get around it. I'm sometimes on AIM (unfurlingdecay) but mostly I'm here and because I use my phone for replies while I'm at work it's best for me to thread on ij where possible.

I bring you Asha Greyjoy, darling little Lieutenant of the Westeros chapter of the Krakens. One day, she'll be the big boss lady and that means she can't afford to lose the respect of anyone in the gang, or anyone outside of it. It's a tall order for such a little lady but she learned from the best (her daddy Balon) and she's versed in fighting dirty and with all sorts of weapons, makeshift or otherwise. She's feisty, active, foul-mouthed and unrefined. She loves her bike, speed, her gang/family. In no particular order. She also has a fun side, likes to laugh and has a wicked sense of humour at times. I would love for her to get involved with as many of your characters as feasibly possible so hit me up for a thread/custom/texts/emails etc. I'm all for all the ic fun stuff. She needs enemies as much as she needs friends, because drama and tension are as awesome as the fluffy stuff. Oh, and she's pretty unremorsefully promiscuous so there's that, too. Don't expect a phone call the next day if you go there.

OOC I'm super friendly and always open to chat about random stuff, or answer questions you might have. I have to go buy groceries now but after I do that, the rest of my night belongs to you, Gangdom! <3

[29 Jun 2014|10:58pm]

Hello lovely players! I've chatted with some of you, but want to introduce myself to you all. I'm Kate, currently pulling the strings of one Cersei Lannister Baratheon. I'm hungry for plot and backstories and am totally open to fun AU maneuverings of our beloved characters!

Cersei on the surface is all polite smiles, charity work, and afternoon cocktails, but she is every bit as scheming and ruthless as her ASOIAF/GOT counterpart. She feels well rid of Robert, and thinks she can effortlessly position herself and her children into positions of power. But of course, it's not going to be that easy!

I really want to take advantage of the glory of AU, so if you have any Cersei-related plot bunnies or connections hit me up! I'm open to pretty much anything!

Edit: I have AIM now! I'll be at sevenforsecrets. Always feel free to ping me!

[29 Jun 2014|09:31pm]

Tyrion player here, anyone bored and around who wants to scene, or write out character texting back and forth/facebook/twitter/whatever?

Hellos and all that! [27 Jun 2014|09:13pm]

Hey there all. I am SR. I answer to Rose as well, also hey you would work, over there, that one, something of the sort. I am finally down to only having one job for the summer so I am happy to be around. My AIM is TobeScripted if you want to talk (IC or OOC), my email is which is what I play through mostly. Feel free to IM or email if you are bored, want to play, or have some idea... or just are bored.

I play [info]lionsimp who is the wonderful Tyrion Lannister, who also answers to Imp or variations of dwarf and the like, but mostly to you smart ass bastard, which is a quality he doesn't shy away from. He is the family lawyer, he holds many of the family secrets that he has had to hide from the cops, and is responsible for things like refusing to allow anyone to even think about trying to DNA test Joffery by legal means. He wrote up the contracts that have to be signed to borrow money from the Lannisters, and is responsible for making it look legit.. before they break your face.

He is a drinker, a gambler, and loves a good whore. He is generally convinced he is smarter than you, graduated high school and college early, is very good at what he does, and none of it will ever seem to make up for that his perfect mother died after giving birth to something as imperfect as him.

[27 Jun 2014|03:44pm]


So I figured I'd break the ice here-- I'm Lynn! I'm on of the mods, blah blah, a student, blah, Canadian, whatever. Let's get to the good stuff. I know I've already chatted with a couple of y'all about backstory/planning/whatever, but there's no harm in doing it again!

I play three babbies at the moment; this here is Theon Greyjoy, consummate loser-who-thinks-he's-cool and all around crybaby, then there's also [info]casterly, Jaime Lannister who is still a terrible person and banging his own sister. I've also got [info]hipsterose Loras Tyrell, who isn't banging his sister but is banging her fiance and is just generally being gorgeous and fabulous.

They're all pretty straight-forward characters since we know them pretty well from both the show and the books, but I'm willing to answer whatever questions anybody has about them, or make up potential plans or backstory or whatever at all.

Also if anybody has any questions about the comm as a whole, I can do that stuff too!

[27 Jun 2014|03:26pm]


We're looking forward to hearing from all of you, so start plotting things out!

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